King's Business - 1925-06

June 1925



THE SCRIPTURES ARE COMPLETE IN THEIR DETAILS (Continued from page 253) one shoulder for the government of the world, as th e King (Isav 9 :6 ), bu t as the Good Shepherd He needs both shoul­ ders to carry home a poor lost sheep (Luke 15:5, 6). A Passive Voice The exhortation “ go on to perfection” (Heb. 6 :1 ), if it calls, as it seems, for personal activity, will lead to fru it­ less endeavor; bu t when we know th a t th e word is in the passive voice and it Should read “Let us be borne on unto perfection,” we abandon ourselves to the power indicated. W estcott says, “The though t is not prim arily of personal effort, bu t personal su rrend er to an active influence.” The same word is used of a ship being driven before the wind (Acts 27:15-17). An Im perative Mood “Be filled w ith th e Spirit” (Eph. 5 :1 8 ). There is no option of choice in th e call to obedience. Not to be filled w ith the Spirit, who is the Secret and Source of holiness, is to be guilty of disobedience. Obedience is th e sum and substance of the Christian life. Instances could be multiplied of the beauty of th e detail of the Sp irit’s utterance, bu t sufficient have been given to illu strate th a t the Words of th e Lord are “pu re” (Psa. 12: 6 ); “ sweet” (Psa. 119 :1 0 3 ); “ gracious” (Luke 4 :2 2 ), and “ lig h t” (Psa. 119:130). (In July, “The Scriptures a re Divine in Their Enshrine­ m en t; Living in Their N ature; Suggestive in Their Sil­ ence.” ) THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE (Continued from page 255) PHILEMON m arks a Christian’s love, which only Christians know; HEBREWS reveals the Gospel prefigured by the law. JAMES teaches w ithout holiness faith is b u t vain and dead'; SAINT PETER points the narrow way in which the saints are led. JOHN, in his th ree epistles, on love delights to dwell; SAINT JUDE gives awful warning of judgm ent, w rath and hell. The REVELATION prophesies of th a t trem endous day When Christ, and Christ alone, shall be th e trem bling sin­ n er’s stay.

"Best” Books For use in studying The Acts of the Apostles and The Life of Paul Life and Epistles of St. Paul By Rev. W . J. C o n y b eare an d Rev. J. S. H ow son T his is a m onum ental w o rk on P aul. It is p a rticu la rly valuable for its d escription of th e co u n tries a n d cities visited by P aul— th e ir m an n ers and custom s, religious antiquities, governm ent, e tc ; it contains also an original tran sla tio n of speeches an d le tte rs of th e A postle. M aps a n d Illustrations. C loth $3 .0 0 Paul’s Campaigns By D avid Jam es B urrell Paul’s Companions By D avid Jam es B urrell

T his book, rep lete w ith il­ lu stratio n , m etaphor, anecdote an d parable, striv es to im p art in m odern languages a full, deep-colored im pression th a t only th e Bible stu d en t w ho has plodded b a c k a n d fo rth th ro u g h th e relev an t ch ap ters can as a rule hope to obtain. E ach c h ap ter is headed b y a page giving a b it of “Pilgrim ’s P ro g re ss’’— for m en in “P il­ grim ’s P ro g re ss’’ are strik in g ­ ly like P au l’s Com panions. 125 pages (clo th ) $1.25 n et By G race Saxe T his little 63 p ag e pam phlet has p ossibly ta u g h t m ore peo­ ple HOW to actu ally STUDY th e Bible th a n any o th er one book. The CHAPTER PLAN, here explained, is th e m o st p ra c ­ tical m ethod of Bible stu d y th a t can be in u se in any church. Send fo r copy an d s ta r t a BIBLE REVIVAL in y o u r ch u rch o r neighborhood. Paper 25c Paul the Dauntless B y B asil Mathews H ere is a new life sto ry of Paul th a t strik es a new note, th a t is to ld in a new vein. In th is book Mr. M athew s has used to th e full talen t for blending ab so lu te h isto r­ ical accu racy w ith stirrin g w ord-painting. It is a book fo r eith er sex, ’for an y ag e; a book to be read b o th fo r p ro fit an d real a n d su b sta n tia l p leas­ ure. Cloth $2.50 Studies in the Book of Acts

In P au l’s C am paigns, you journey w ith P aul w herever he goes, w hether to C yprus or to Rome, you feel yourself n e ar to him , listening, hearing his fiery, im passioned, fearless exhorting. W hen you. read the gripping description of w hat P aul saw a t A thens, it will be b ro u g h t hom e to you th a t here indeed is a stu d y of P au l’s w anderings w hich really a p ­ p reciates th e m otives an d d if­ ficulties of th a t courageous fighter for C hristianity. 110 pages (c lo th ), $1.26 n et The Church We Forget B y P. W hitw ell W ilson T his book places th e entire C h ristian w orld u n d er a debt of g ratitu d e. It is really a new a n d m em orable life of Paul, stan d in g beside th e g reat life b y C onybeare a n d H owson. Every c h ap ter is m agnetic, stim u latin g , suggestive. Cloth, $2.00 By D avid James Burrell T hroughout th is w hole se r­ ies on Paul, yo u ’ll find one c o n sta n t aim k ep t in m ind: to p resen t Paul in m ist allu rin g ­ ly readable form -studies th a t give even th e m o st profound search er in to P au l’s life a b e tte r g rasp of som e p h ase of it; y e t in a sty le so m o d ern ,- so unlike - the average tex t book, th a t a n o rd in ary b u si­ ness m an idly fingering over th e p ages w ould find he w anted to read a b it. C loth $1.25 Paul’s Letters

R E J O I C E ! H abakkuk 3:17 Though the fig tree shall no t blossom, Nor the fru it be in th e vine; Yet th e Lord is my salvation, And His loving care is mine. Though a failu re be the olive, And the fields shall yield no m eat; Yet He is my Heavenly F ath er, And His love to me is sweet. Though no flocks be in th e pasture, In th e sta ll no h erd I see; Yet His eye is on th e sparrow ,' And I know He cares fo r me. Though the clouds obscure the sunshine. And the world is d ark and d rear; I am filled w ith joy and comfort, F o r He is so n ear and dear. Though all things should go against me, Till my faith is sorely tried ; I w ill-tru st Him always, ever, F o r I know He will provide.

Paul, The Interpreter of Christ By Professor A. T. Robertson

It is a privilege to call a tte n tio n to P ro fesso r R o b ert­ so n 's books as th ey a p p ea r. T hey a re so full of learning, so a b rea st of th e times, so loyal to th e foundations of o u r holy faith, an d so interestingly w ritten , th a t all Bible stu ­ dents should possess them . T h e "G ospel A cco rd in g to P a u l,” by th e distinguished P ro fesso r of New T estam en t In te rp re ta tio n in th e S ou th ­ e rn B aptist T heological Sem inary. "P au l w as th e m ost forw ard-looking m an of his g en eration. W e have no t y et c au g h t u p w ith his far-seeing vision of C h rist a n d of th e K ingdom of G od.” C loth, $1 .5 0 If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D , unless otherwise specified. If beoks are to com e by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O OK R O OM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

—Amelia'M . S tarkw eather.

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