King's Business - 1925-06

June 1925



2. The F und am en tal N ature of th e In stitu te.

Second, I shall endeavor to develop the course for Sunday School work, young peo­ ple’s work, and “ Christian Education,” i and make it in every way thoroughly efficient. Third, I shall endeavor to help those who are looking towards th e m inistry bu t cannot avail themselves of the courses in the regular evangelical In stitu tion s for th e train ing of th e m inistry, to get the best possible train ing in th e circumstances. J F ou rth , I shall endeavor in every way pos­ sible to foster a strong, wholesome and in ­ tense m issionary sp irit in the whole In sti­ tu te th a t it may cultivate in all the students a genuine m issionary vision and passion. F ifth , it shall be my set policy to cultivate th e friendship and confidence of the Church of Jesus Christ so th a t they may be eager to send to us th e ir young people for train ing and so th a t when they are thoroughly trained, the Church may fully open h er doors for oppor­ tu n ity to serve them a t home and abroad. To th a t end I sliall earnestly endeavor to cre­ ate a desire for our kind of goods, by mak­ ing them th e very best in the m arket. It shall be my desire to yield myself to Christ in a leadership th a t shall constantly seek His will and His glory. To th is end I shall seek to cooperate w ith all my fellow- workers in the sp irit of love which is patient, kind, knows no jealousy, makes, no parade, is never rude, never selfish, never resentful, never glad when others fail, slow to expose, always eager to believe th e best and always hopeful. In th is sp irit it is my wish to coop­ erate w ith all who love Jesus Christ as Lord and Master and are tru e to Him as God m ani­ fest in the flesh for th e redemption of the world. In th is sp irit also, I confess my own unwavering faith in the foundation tru th s of Christianity: I believe in God the F a th e r A lm ighty as revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord; in the absolute in teg rity of the Word of God as the only infallible ru le oi fa ith and practice; in th e Deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, resurrection from the dead, and His (prem illennial) coming again in like manner as th e disciples saw Him go away. When th e Word of God is not clear and th ere are differences of opinion as to w hat is the righ t course to follow or th e rig h t in terp retation to be given, I must be guided by what I under­ stand to be th e teachings of God’s Word and H is will for me in the circumstances— my final responsibility is to God and before Him I must stand or fall.

I understand the In stitu te to be primarily- a school for th e train ing of men and woipen for Christian work and th a t all its activities are in accord w ith and supplementary to th a t g reat mission. 3. A uthority in th e In stitu te. I understand th a t th e supreme au tho rity in the Bible In stitu te rests in its Board of Direc­ tors and th a t all other au tho rity in th e In sti­ tution is delegated b y . th a t Board and ac­ countable to it, and th a t th ere is no com- m ittée or individual outside of th a t Board having a rb itra ry or final au tho rity which can be exercised w ithout .reference to th e wishes and final au th o rity of th e Board. 4. The Dean’s R elation to th e Board. I understand th a t the Dean of th e Bible In stitu te has charge of the directing of the activities which are vitally related to the life and in terests of th e school, and th a t th ere is no individual or comm ittee between himself and the Board w ith a rb itra ry power over him, bu t th a t in case of any dispute w ith his fel­ low-workers in any p art of the In stitu te activities, the final decision must rest w ith the Board of Directors. 5. Chief P urpose of th e In stitu te. I understand th a t the chartered mission of th e In stitu te is the p reparation of young men and women for Christian work. The students are selected from among young men and women who have a genuine experience of God in Christ and it is the purpose to develop in them a deep and wholesome pas­ sion for soul, w inning and a love for th e Word of God. This means th a t in the train ing , the main stress is pu t upon Bible study, the develop­ ment of a strong and wholesome Christian life and thorough train in g in soul winning. I understand th is purpose to be in perfect accord w ith the mission of th é Church of Christ, and th a t it is th e sincere desire of the In stitu te to so cooperate w ith th e.C hu rch as to be constructive in its influence. 6. Declaration of Policy and Motives. In accepting th is c a ll it is my sincere desire and policy, to intelligently strive to consistently and constructively m aintain the course of study th a t w ill make it the very best Bible In stitu te course available. In 'doing this, it shall be my aim first of all to continue a t its best, th e prim ary purpose of Bible In sti­ tu te work— th e train ing in soul w inning and Bible study of those who did not have full educational advantages.

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