King's Business - 1925-06

Dr. K eller is the representative of th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles in China. Many years of active service have given him an outstanding position among th e leaders of evangelical m issionary work in th a t great field. It was while he was still identified with the China Inland Mission th a t Hunan, for­ merly known as “ the sealed province” , was opened for m issionary work, and it was in Dr. K eller’s home a t Changsha th a t J. Hud­ son Taylor; the pioneer, laid down his life. Dr. K eller possesses the g reat traits of ceaseless energy, train ed ability and untiring devotion to th e service to which God has called him, and th e Bihle In stitu te of Los Angeles is honored in having for the superin­ tendent of its China work th is m arked man of God. "V.

Mrs, K eller is a real helpmeet in th e work a t Changsha, having charge, of th e Women’s D epart­ m ent of th e H unan Bible In stitu te and teaching a number of classes there, in addition to managing th e affairs of th e household. “Mother” - Keller, Dr. Keller’s, mother, though now in h er eighty- eighth year, has th e real mission­ ary spirit, having given up her com fortable home in th e E ast to accompany Dr. and Mrs. Keller to China eight years ago, retu rn ing w ith them when they came home recently for a much needed fu r­ lough, and will go w ith them when they retu rn , soon, to. th eir work at, Changsha.

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