King's Business - 1925-06



June 1925

account for the history of either save by the word “ Jehovah” ! . ' Why has Israel outljved all the nations? Why does she stand today, after the historical nations have been blotted out and forgotten? Because God has issued His edict. Persecuted, peeled, robbed, scattered, driven, debased, degraded and derided,—yet always a factor to be reckoned with in every land. Now she is in Jerusalem on the final lap of the long, long race. Why do not the critics of the Bible, with their suave sophistry and fallacious fancies, concoct some fairy _ story about the Jews? Here they are and here is the Bible. If th%iprophecies in the Bible concerning the

What meaning would this admonition have unless it meant that His coming was imminent? The Thessa- lonians were admonished to be patient while they were waiting and working for the Lord (2 Thess. 3 :5), and truly there is need of patience, for we live in a religious atmosphere of doubt and disorder in the church which has a paralyzing influence upon the Christian life, and there is no comfort equal to that afforded by the promise of His imminent coming. Paul wrote to Titus, his beloved companion, and urged him to exhort the believers .to look for the appearing of the Lord (Titus 2 :12,13): “Teaching u s th a t, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in t h i s p resen t w o rld ; “lo o k in g fo r th a t

Jews are not true, ' then these wise men should take the mat­ ter up immediately and give the World some reason for this remarkable coinci­ dence! Ì'ì T h e ' Old Testa­ ment m u s t h a v e I s r a e l , and Israel must have the Old Testament. I s r a e l still lives in every nation on the globe, and the Bible is found in every na­ tion, also. The crit­ ics mu s t destroy I s r a e l or t h e i r a t t a c k s upon the. Bible will not stand ; but they c a n n o t d e s t r o y I s r a e l because the B i b l e d e t e r m i n e s her destiny. The c r i t i c s are still clothing their rubbish of criticism in the garments of centuries past, fool­ ing some of the fool­ ish people, but the

blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of th e g rea t God and our Saviour Jestis C h rist;” and t h e c l o s i n g words of our Lord in Revelation 22:12 are significant: “And, b e h o l d , I come quickly; and my rew ard is w ith me, to g iv e every m an ac­ cording as h is work sh all be.” This editorial is not intended as a Bible reading on the subject, a n d we have only quoted a few of the m a n y exhortations a n d warnings concerning this important doc­ trine. But this is an appeal to .all true believers to h o l d with all their hearts to this great truth. It is the great incen­ tive for right living and right serving, and a soul satisfying

old Book still stands. It is pathetic to look upon their ineffective efforts to blight the faith of the saints while posing as men of God, but serving in the hosts of Satan. They cannot hurt thè Book. They may ruin the faith of some people, but they must pay the price which is so clearly described in that Book. ' There are many vocations in life where they could make use of brain and tongue. Why not make a living in an honest profession? WORLD’S CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALS CONFERENCE We regret that it is impossible to give “ Our Family” any detailed reports from the World’s Christian Fun­ damentals Conference, which met in Memphis, Tennes­ see, May 3-10, inclusive. In order to have this June issue ready for mailing in proper time, it was necessary to close the forms early in May, before information from Memphis could reach us. However, we expect

truth while waiting and working, hearts knit with His great heart, lives yielded to His holy will, in joyful anticipation of His coming at any time of day or night; and in that atmosphere happily doing His will, look­ ing, longing, loving Him, whose we are and whom we serve, knowing that any moment may find us caught up to be with Him and like Him. “O, Lord Jesus, how long? How long ere we h ea r th e glad sound? Christ re tu rn e th ! H allelujah! H allelu jah ! Am en!” MAN’S WEAK WEAPON vs. GOD’S WONDERFUL WORD “No weapon th a t is form ed ag ain st th ee shall prosper; an d every tongue th a t shall rise ag ain st thee in judgm ent th o u sh a lt condemn. This is th e 'h e rita g e of th e servants of th e Lord, and th e ir righteousness is of me, saith the Lord” (Isa. 5 4 :1 7 ). This verse refers to Israel. God promised her res­ toration and that promise cannot fail. You can place the Bible and Israel side by side and no man can

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