King's Business - 1950-11

The Press and The Christian W o r ld Christ's Mission Christ’s Mission, Inc., o f New York City, was founded 40 years ago to give assistance to the many Roman Catho­ lic priests who through the years have resigned from their orders and come to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. The official publication of the Mission is The Converted Catholic which plans to publish documented evidence of Roman Catholic aggres­ sion and bigotry in a series of articles during the coming months. Bible-reading Program The seventh annual world - wide Bible-reading program sponsored by the American Bible Society will begin on Thanksgiving Day, November 23, and will end on Christmas Day. The theme for this year is: “ The Bible— a light and guide.” A suggested list o f scriptural passages has been chosen by the Bible Society and printed in a convenient form to fit into the New Testament or Bible. This year many millions are expected to join in this worth-while reading program. Billy Graham to Broadcast Evangelist Billy Graham recently signed a contract with the American Broadcasting Company for a Sunday afternoon program on 164 coast-to- coast network stations. The first broad­ cast will originate in the evangelistic campaign in Atlanta, Georgia, Novem­ ber 5. Featured on the program with Mr. Graham will be Beverly Shea and song leader, Cliff Barrows. Central American Broadcast The Radio voice o f the Central American Mission is station TGNA. Since August 6th, TGNA has been actually on the air from 4:45 o’clock in the afternoon to 9:15 at night. The programs include cultural and educa­ tional broadcasting interspersed with many gospel messages. The station asks for prayer for the many needs o f this important broadcast to be supplied. College Passes 10-Year Milestone Westmont College begins its second decade as a liberal arts college this month. The motto o f the college dur- ing the past 10 years has been “ That in all things he [Christ] might have the pre-eminence.” Westmont contin­ ues to emphasize Christian fellowship, high academic standards, first-class instruction and community, cultural and church opportunities.

The Virgin Birth Price 15 cents—$1.50 per dozen “ The Book of Revelation," "Dispen­ sations," "The Holy Spirit," "The Christian Home,” "Image of Christ Jesus," "The Bible and Science," "The Lake of Fire," "God's Man and Satan's Man in Final Conflict," "Noah’s Ark." All 10 for $3.00 HUMBERD PRESS, Flora, Ind.

piiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin | BOOK | 1 REVIEWS j liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiw All recommended books may be obtained from the Biola Book Room, 560 South H ope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. Mr. Willard, a graduate o f Prince­ ton Theological Seminary, has filled various appointments as pastor and Navy Chaplain, and now is Assistant to the President o f Wheaton College. This publication is the result of four years o f historical research, and furnishes the answer for thousands of people who are asking questions about Wheaton and the revival o f the Spring o f 1950. The writer traces the ancient Christian objectives and schol­ arship that have been faithfully ad­ hered to through Wheaton’s near cen­ tury of service to youth. 208 pages, Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111. Cloth. Price $2.50. What distinctive educational fea­ tures were derived from the Scrip­ tures during the early years o f our American republic ? The writer o f this book, feeling that “ The fear of the Lord is the beginning o f wisdom,” attempts to answer this and other similar questions by letting the voice o f history speak. Without indoctrina­ tion o f the Christian religion there can be no claim to the acquisition of an education. The fathers o f our American republic realized these early ideals and incorporated them into the school curricula for the first century and a half o f our colonial and national history. 110 pages. Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111. Cloth. Price $1.50. “ I f you haven’t a friend in the world, you’ll find one here.” These words mark the front o f Memphis Union Mission, directed by Jimmy Stroud, who cares for the man with uncertain eyes, the wobbly step and ragged clothes, making his way down Skid Row Parkway o f this southern metropolis. The story is really a pic­ ture o f the humanitarian and spirit­ ual work being accomplished in many other rescue missions across the land. 112 pages. Van Kampen Press, Whea­ ton, 111. Cloth. Price $1.50. FIRE ON THE PRAIRIE By W. Wyeth Willard RESTORING GOD TO EDUCATION By Edward K. Worrell SKID ROW STOPGAP By Mel Larson

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