King's Business - 1950-11

FROM MANY PEOPLE HAPPY WITH AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY ANNUITY AGREEMENTS SAFETY: “ Your financial statements reveal solid financial footings and careful administration.” LIBERAL, STEADY INCOME: “ Your Plan provides for the permanent and final investment of funds, so that the donor is assured of a liberal and reliable income until death closes the contract.” FREEDOM FROM WORRY, LONGER LIFE: “ The freedom from worry and the satisfaction which have come to me since placing my money in the Bible Cause have added to my years.” CONVENIENCE: “ Your Annuity Plan enables me to be the Executor of my own Will, while at the same time I have a nice addition to my income, which requires no attention from me.” AIDING A GREAT CHRISTIAN CAUSE: “ The Society’s work is second to none in furthering Christ’s kingdom upon the earth.” LEARN how you too may give and receive generously at the same time, and also receive certain income tax ex­ emptions. Send today for a most interesting booklet, “ A Gift That Lives” which tells about the Plan.

N EW S C R I P T U R E PRESS P a t t i boohs Just the gift for 2 -and 3 -year*olds—beautifully colored PATTI BOOKS. Large-lettered text on facing pages tells the story o f each picture. Plastic ring binding enables parents and teachers to fold back the pages o f the PATTI- BOOK and read text while holding up picture for children to see. Each book is 6Vi x 7 inches, printed in 4 colors on heavy stock, with sturdy varnished cover.

I'M GIVING— Pattibook No. I. Shows specific uses for child’s offering. 26 pages, 12 full color pictures. Each, 75c SH-H-H-H—Pattibook No. 2. Builds reverential attitude for prayer. 20 pages, 9 full color pictures. Each, 75c WHO LOVES PATTY?— Pattibook No. 3. Leads up to the great love o f Jesus. 24 pages. 11 full color pictures.Each.75c WE ARE HELPERS—Pattibook No. 4. Teaches the Christian spirit o f helpful­ ness. 22 pages, 10 full color pictures. Each, 75c

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