King's Business - 1950-11

tounded. In answer to my question, “What is necessary for God to hear our prayers?” a little girl said, “ To be His children.” Again, “ If we are saved, what has happened to our sins?” “ The Blood o f Jesus Christ continues to cleanse us,” replied a little fellow. Whenever we came to the black page o f the Wordless Book, they would close their eyes tight so that they might not see the blackness o f sin. A fter playing some Cuban games, the children escorted us to our cars, where we had a parting word of prayer. Not one o f our students will soon, if ever, forget the children of Rancho Boyero or cease to pray for them. The Methodist Church will continue to instruct these little ones. We hope to see them again next summer! A Cordial Welcome Awaits You in Los Angeles at THE CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR Sixth and Hope (Downtown) Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Pastor SUNDAY SERVICES: 11:00 A.M . 7:30 P.M. Broadcast KGER K X L A W EDNESDAY — BIBLE STUDY — 7:30 P.M.

F I L M S L I D E S Large Selection of Religious Subjects— CATALOGUES FREE Slides made to order 2x2 and 3*4x4 inches. SPECIAL QUANTITY PRICES RILEYS <0ver 40 Years> N 4 i;HYu.;r 3 ,SaN.aY. s l id e s

CHILDREN OF CUBA (Continued from Page lb)

perfect. The girl in charge mentioned it to the pastor, and he asked me what I had given the children to keep them silent. I explained the Gospel Nut lesson, which we had first learned from Mrs. Hooker, our child evangelism teacher at Biola. I invited him to join us the following Saturday which he did in spite o f a heavy rain. We were obliged to walk through the mud to get to the meeting place. Everywhere deplorable sights met our eyes. The lack o f adequate cloth­ ing was most apparent. I felt that the mention of clothes, or the care of clothes, would be not only ridiculous, but cruel. None possessed shoes, very few wore shirts. So when in the les­ son we came to the golden ribbon typifying Heaven, I told them o f a nice clean place where not only their clothes and faces, but their hearts as well would be perfectly clean. Their shining eyes indicated that they un­ derstood perfectly what I meant. When we returned the following Saturday we arrived about fifteen minutes late. More than one hundred children were awaiting us. They ran to meet us, crowding around the cars so that we had trouble getting out. As usual, the little girls carried flowers. One by one, as personally and as individually as I could, I spoke to them. “ Oh, yes!” was the enthusiastic answer in nearly every case. Eagerly they volunteered to discontinue at­ tending the class the nun held on Sat­ urday noons, and to remain faithful in their study o f the Word o f God. We gave them Gospels o f John or New Testaments, and many other prizes. Students in our party who did not speak Spanish were able to present the gospel through object lessons. I also explained the lesson “ The Gift o f God.” A fter our meetings, the singing went on. I often asked the children to conduct the singing them­ selves. They told us they were pray­ ing every night before retiring. Many told o f the wonderful way the Lord was working in their lives. We had promised to take photo­ graphs at the last meeting we were to have. It took us about half an hour to get the photographs we wanted be­ cause all the children insisted upon touching the camera. To make sure these children under­ stood, I asked after every lesson that they come to the front, five at a time and explain to me what they had learned. It was amazing how easily they comprehended. Their minds are keen and their memory retentive. Their answers left us happily as­

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