King's Business - 1950-11

You know, boys and girls, there are many people who are sick with sin. The Bible is like a thermometer. It shows man that there is something wrong with him. In Romans 3:23 we read, “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Many people try to put religion or self-reformation on the outside, just as I put the mercurochrome on my head. It doesn’t help the condition on the in­ side at all, even though it may be pretty and smell good. There are others who try to salve their consciences and cover up the difficulty, just as I could have taken the aspirin and temporarily cov­ ered up my supposed headache and stomach trouble. What God wants us to do, is to take His remedy for sin, sal­ vation through Jesus Christ, and His death for us on the cross. In our lesson today we found that Philip went to the town of Samaria, a city known for its wickedness. He, as a doctor would, pointed out the people’s sickness, and prescribed a cure for it— salvation through Christ. We find that they gave heed to his words. It doesn’t do any good to go to a doctor unless we are willing to abide by his decision. You all know what joy there is when a member of the family who has been sick, recovers. We find that there was great joy in this city, when the sin-sick people found a cure for their case.

There is just one thing which Herbert needs, and it is this bright metal wedge. You see that the wedge has a red cross on it, reminding us of Christ and His death on the cross for us. Harold has for a long time realized that his brother needs a wedge, and he gladly helps him to get it. (Use Harold to drive the wedge.) You can now trust Herbert. And it is the same way with boys and girls. When they have really accepted Christ as their Saviour, they can be trusted under all circumstances. Paul, in our lesson today knew our Lord as his Saviour. Instead of flying off the handle when persecuted, he could say with James, “ Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lack­ ing in nothing” (James 1:2, 3, R.S.V.). God could still trust him, even when things didn’t go just the way he wanted them. Boys and girls often wonder why they fly off the handle so easily. Even Christian boys and girls are sometimes troubled in this way. It is because they do not recognize that when they have accepted Christ as Saviour, their bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. When they accepted Christ, the Holy Spirit came into their hearts to give them strength to withstand every test, every disappointment, every persecution with­ out flying off the handle. Objects: Several small boxes, bril­ liantly wrapped and labeled “Joy,” “ Peace,” “ Sins Forgiven,” “ Life-ever­ lasting,” “Home in Heaven,” “ Rest.” Fit these inside another box, sufficiently large to contain them all. Wrap this box as a gift and label it “ The Bible,” Enclose this in a larger box and label this package “JESUS CHRIST.” Place this gift in a larger box, and gift wrap it, and label it “ GOD’S GIFT TO THE WORLD.” This gift may be placed under the Christmas tree, should there be one, and left there till time for the object lesson.) Lesson: Boys and girls, this is the time of year when people give gifts to one another. We do it to commemorate God’s gift to us, the greatest Gift that was ever given to man. This large, beau­ tifully wrapped box which I have here this morning, is labeled “ God’s Gift to Dec. 24, 1950 T h e G ift of G ifts

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Dec. 17, 1950 T emper or T rust

Objects: Two hammers, and a bright metal wedge with a red cross painted on one side. (One hammer should be loose on the handle.)



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Lesson: I brought two brothers with me this morning, and I am sure that you never could guess their names with­ out seeing them. Here they are. Their last name is Hammer. Their first names are Harold and Herbert. These brothers look very much alike, but you will see that they are very dif­ ferent when you know them. Harold is like a boy who has accepted Christ as Saviour. He will pull nails or drive them just as you wish. You can trust him to do the things you want done. Herbert is different. He is like a boy who has never accepted Christ as Sav­ iour. He will pull tacks pretty well, if you handle him carefully, but if you ask him to drive a nail, he quickly flies off the handle. Notice how easily he loses his head. (Slip, the .head .off the handle.) You never can trust the boy or girl who is always losing his or her temper and flying off the handle. N O V E M B E R , 1 9 5 0

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