King's Business - 1950-11

Christmas time, and not thank the per­ son who gave it to us. Many Christians have never really thanked God for His great gift to them, and do not really appreciate it. It would be even more impolite for you to be offered a lovely gift, and return it to the giver unopened, and not accepted. God offers salvation, the Bible, and all the gifts we receive when we become a Christian, to every one, but not all men have received it. I pray that this morning, this Christmas time, that those of you who have never let Christ come into your hearts might do so now, and those of you who have never really thanked God for salvation, will now express to Him your apprecia­ tion fpr this greatest of all gifts.

the World.” Do you like to open pack­ ages? I love to. Let’s see what this package contains. Why, here is another gift, and it is labeled “ Jesus Christ.” God gave His only Son that we might have life eter­ nal. Shall we see what this package contains? Here is another gift. God’s gifts to us just never cease. “ His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” (Lam. 3:22, 23). This gift is labeled “ The Bible.” God gave us His Son Jesus Christ, to be our Saviour, and then He gave us the Bible, to tell us of Christ, and how we might accept Him as our Lord and King. Let us open this gift “ The Bible” and see what we have because of it. Be­ cause of Christ’s death upon the cross, and the Bible which tells us of it, we have “Joy,” “ Peace,” “ Sins forgiven,” “ Life-everlasting,” a “Home in Heaven,” and “ Rest.” How we should praise God for His great goodness to man. It would be most rude of us to receive a gift at this JET BLACK BECOMES SNOW WH ITE (Continued from Page 11) Looking right down at Jet Black, Gray Bill called, “ Caw! Caw!” With­ out a moment’s hesitation, Jet Black replied, “ Caw! Caw!” At once the pigeons recognized him as a crow and chased him away, determined never to allow him to come into their midst again. Jet Black had proved by his walk, by his actions, and by his talk, that he was not a pigeon at all. In spite of all that Jet Black did, he could not become a pigeon. So it is with boys and girls, men and wom­ en—we can only become Christians by being born again. We have to be changed on the inside. Outside altera­ tions are not enough. God’s wonderful Word tells us the way to experience the new birth. “ But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons o f God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1 :12 ).


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Dec. 31, 1950 T h e G row ing C hr ist ian

Objects: A toy balloon, with a small outline of a cross traced on it in ink.

Lesson: How many of you think you could have a good time playing with this toy balloon? Yes, but this balloon does not want to be played with. It will tell you a wonderful truth about the Christian life. As you look at it, at first you do not notice its being different from other balloons. As soon as I put a little air in it, you will see that there is an out­ line of a cross on it. This cross reminds us of Christ. The more air I put in, the larger the cross becomes, and the more easily it can be seen. In the Bible, Peter tells us that we should “ grow in grace, and in the knowl­ edge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” In our memory selection for today we have this prayer which David prayed, “ Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies” (Psalm 27:11). He wished too, to become more like the Lord. We have often wondered what is meant by growing in grace, and why we are told to do so. When we grow in grace, we become more like Christ. When the balloon stops growing, the cross does, too. When a Christian stops growing in grace, he cannot increasingly reveal Christ. If I let some of the air out of the balloon, it becomes smaller, and the cross becomes smaller, too. What a shame it is for a person to shrink spirit­ ually, for when he does, the world can­ not see much of Christ. The Lord is most pleased with His children when they are constantly growing in grace, because He knows that they will be better able to reveal Christ to others. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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