King's Business - 1950-11


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Justice Glenn Terrell, Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Florida.: “ The inscription over the entrance of the Library of the Florida State College for Women in Tallahassee, Florida, is: ‘The H alf of Knowledge Is to Know Where to Find Knowledge.* The New Chain Reference Bible is the ‘Where’ to find the fullest spiritual truths and to gain the most com­ plete knowledge of the Bible in the easiest way. For the past two years I have, used the New Chain Refer­ ence Bible and I have found it the best of them all.” Dr. Robert G. L ee: “This is to testify that I have used the Thompson Chain Reference Bible for several years in my study of the Bible. I believe it is the best on the market today. I wish that every reader of the Bible and every student of the Bible had a copy of this unusually helpful Bible.” Dr. Le-ander S. Keyser: “The New Chain Reference Bible is the best yet. It has more helps than any other Bible.” Evang. Dr. W alter L . W ilson: “ This New Chain Ref­

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