King's Business - 1950-11

written by John Calvin back in the 16th century, the December issue lists the various relies which were found in Roman Catholic cemeteries in 60 different cities. For instance, Calvin found 6 heads o f John the Baptist, 6 right index fingers of the Apostle John, 5 heads, 3 arms and 2 bodies o f St. Anne, and many bodies o f the Apostles. Other relics include 6 nap­ kins that supposedly covered the head o f Christ, 4 spear points that pierced His side, 14 nails which were used on the cross, etc., etc. Calvin also states that what was be­ lieved to be the brain o f St. Peter was venerated in Geneva, and the bodies of both Peter and Paul were actually divided in the basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul in Rome, with the head o f Peter being sent to the church o f St. John Lateran. A foot o f St. Peter was preserved in Paris, his jawbone at Poitiers and neck bones of Peter at Trier, Germany. St. Peter’s Cathe­ dral at Nantes, France, is said to possess a fingernail o f the Apostle. The present-day claim is that the bones o f St. Peter have been undis­ turbed under the great Cathedral in Rome since the time o f Constantine. What rank nonsense! How can an en­ lightened civilization stand such an insult to intelligence? Yet the Roman Catholic authorities think nothing o f this. In fact, they quite allow such terrible falsification to go merrily on. The Catholic Encyclopedia comments: “ Supposing it to be in fact spurious no dishonor is done to God by the continuance o f an error which has been handed down in perfect good faith for many centuries . . . Hence there is justification for the practice o f the Holy See in allowing the cult o f certain ancient relics to continue.” It is a relief to turn from such utter folly to the sane, sensible, and heart-satisfying words o f the great Apostle Peter as preserved for us by inspiration o f the Holy Spirit o f God. Read what Peter says in his first let­ ter, chapter 2, verses 9 to 11. Note also his setting forth o f Christ as the living stone in chapter 2, verses 4 to 8. The question isn’t Peter’s bones, but Peter’s words. May God help us to be intelligent followers of our wonderful Lord and intelligent readers o f His blessed Word! Whither Russia? W ILL the Soviet empire come to an end? What is to be its des­ tiny? These are questions which to­ day are revolving in thè minds o f many o f the world’s thinkers. The fast, sprawling Soviet coalition o f na­ tions seems to be riding to a terrify- T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

world into a third World War. For a few years, at least, we are to be spared the unspeakable horrors o f an atomic attack. But the question i s : Will those mil­ lions o f Americans who have been bombarding God’s throne with peti­ tions fo r victory and peace now re­ member to thank Him for the answer ? Or will American know-all, military strategy, arms, and armies receive the credit? There is not the slightest doubt in the world but that America has known blessing far greater than -any other nation in history. Because of this blessing poured out, there should be a consequent stream o f praise ascend­ ing to America’s God thanking Him for His mercies. This gratitude should be expressed by old and young, rich and poor, high and low, educated and uneducated. With such offerings of praise God is well pleased. Roman Relics T HE newsy and factual magazine Converted Catholic, formerly edi­ ted by the late Dr. Leo H. Lehman, ought to be on every Protestant preacher’s desk. Without rancor and without apology, this publication dis­ closes the “ inside” doings o f the Roman Catholic Church. Great pub­ licity has been given to the supposed excavation in Rome o f the bones o f the Apostle Peter. Just why they re­ mained undiscovered until this late date no one seems to understand. What is the great significance of these bones to today’s world is also hard to figure out. Nevertheless the Roman Catholic propaganda machine has deemed this the opportune moment to spring this supposed surprise. In an interesting article in the aforementioned magazine, a former Roman Catholic priest, Peter J. Does- wyk, writes o f the Roman Catholic love o f relics. Quoting from a book

Where Are America’s Nine? f ■ 'H E LORD had healed ten lepers JL o f their loathsome malady. Prob­ ably the healing occurred in one of the smaller villages o f Galilee. At any rate, our Lord was on His way down toward Jerusalem. Just why the ten lepers had congregated there, or what was their background we do not know. The point o f the story is preserved for all time in the Lord’s cryptic remark when only one o f those who were healed returned to give Him thanks: “Were there not ten cleansed, but where are the nine?” What is emphasized, of course, is our Lord’s awareness o f the failure o f these lepers to grant Him the or­ dinary courtesy o f expressing grati­ tude. It may be a new thought to some, but it is none the less true, that God carefully notes human expressions of praise and thanksgiving. God’s mer­ cies are constant. They are “ new every morning, and fresh every eve­ ning.” Also they are widespread. His bountiful rain falls upon the just and the unjust. His life-giving sunshine bathes all countries. The grass grows; the flowers bloom; the birds sing. For all o f this God looks fo r acknowledg­ ment. It is tragic to have to remark that in the vast majority o f cases God is disappointed. But there are special providences o f God. There are times when God spe­ cifically answers our prayer. There are occasions where God’s arm moves in our behalf simply because we have requested it. Take, for example, the apparent turn o f the tide in our favor in Korea. There is no doubt but that a great wave o f intercession has been ascending to the throne o f grace, peti­ tioning God for a righteous peace and victory. Now as we go to press, apparently victory is to be the prize o f the United Nations. Evidently Russia will not seize this opportunity to plunge the Page Four

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