King's Business - 1950-11

Most Boring T IME reports that Editor Board- man o f Columbia University polled several hundred U. S. librari­ ans, editors, authors, reviewers, and school teachers, asking them to send a list o f ten classics that have bored people most. The results included Bun" yan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Melville’s Moby Dick, Milton’s Paradise Lost, Spenser’s Faeria Queene, Boswell’s L ife o f Samuel Johnson, Scott’s I van- hoe, and Goethe’s Faust. All in all, Boardman’s readers listed 427 books, including the Old Testament. It is not suprising that many people are bored by attempting to read the Old Testa­ ment, or the New Testament either. The Scriptures themselves emphati­ cally declare that the man outside of God cannot receive nor discern the truth of God. More than that, the reading o f His Word, which is both living and powerful, makes the un­ saved reader extremely uncomfort­ able. On the other hand, the Scrip­ tures become the most thrilling and precious piece o f literature in all the world to those who intimately know the Author. Nail Polish T HE Gallup Polls continue to col­ lect information on the American way o f life. Recently, in a national survey, there were twice as many men who said they disliked fingernail pol­ ish as there were who liked it. A breakdown o f this poll indicates young men somewhat in favor, mid­ dlemen divided and older men dead set against it. Gallup reports the black, blue, vermilion, green and ruby-red fingernail polish may be making a hit with the women, but with the males they are strictly “ the bunk.” No Shortages T HE U. S. o f America is better supplied with food than ever be­ fore in history, according to the Bu­ reau o f Labor Statistics. In our na­ tional larder are: 450 million bushels o f wheat; 176 million pounds o f but­ ter; 69 million pounds o f cheese; 340 million pounds o f dried milk; 103 mil­ lion pounds o f dried eggs. Concerning sugar which was restricted during the last war, we have now on hand more than 1% million tons with another million tons easily obtainable from Cuba. On our farm lands is no meat shortage, with farmers fattening 37% more cattle than a year ago. Short­ ages seem to be out o f the picture at this time, but above and beyond that let us not forget the source from which these blessings have come, even the strong and powerful hand of a God who has mightily blessed America.

Let America beware, too. We praise God for the fact that our land has multitudes o f open churches and open Bibles. We take comfort in the fact that our forefathers directed that “ in God we trust” should be placed upon our money. We are grateful that lit­ erally tens o f thousands o f mission­ aries go from our shores to the ends of the earth carrying' the good news o f God and His dear Son, but there are other elements in our land o f which we are not proud. Let us cry out to God that He spare America and that He continue His loving favor upon our land. Praise Be to God! I T IS rightly said that honest con­ fession is good for the soul. Let it be added as well that honest confes­ sion is also good for our nation. Since the inception of the Korean incident and the consequent revelations of America’s unpreparedness and ineffi­ ciency, there has appeared a series o f very enlightening articles in the public press. Their content has also been broadcast by radio. These arti­ cles have dealt with the unparalleled truth that the American soldier is not always a superior soldier; that Amer­ ican weapons are by no means the best in the world ; that American lead­ ership has had its full share o f blun­ ders ; and that American victories have sometimes resulted from overwhelm­ ing superiority of men and munitions rather than by courage-inspired lead­ ership or military prowess. These facts, while unpleasant to admit, are good for us. Too long has the rank and file American thought­ lessly boasted o f his superiority. Too long the fable o f American invincibil­ ity has been promulgated. The real truth is that America is quite vulner­ able and, like other lands, could easily taste the dregs o f defeat. On the other hand, our beloved land could be made invincible. Our armies could always experience victory. Our cause could always triumph, were we to remember that to God belongeth the battle. With God on our side, or as Lincoln would have put it, “With America on God’s side,” we would never need to know defeat. Let America look heavenward and with sincere heart give genuine grati­ tude to God. Let praise be given to God the giver o f all good gifts ! 0 that our President would lead us in this! O that Congress would pass a resolu­ tion honoring God! Surely messen­ gers o f the Lord will lead the wor­ shipers in a service o f heartfelt gratitude at this Thanksgiving time.

ing crest. The latest addition, o f course, is China’s half billion. India’s millions seem to be leaning toward Communism; Indo-China and Indo­ nesia, even Japan, are infiltrated with preachers o f the Communistic ide­ ology. What is to be the eventual outcome o f this great coalition o f nations ? Prophecy in the Bible is really pre­ written history and therein God has set down the minutest detail regard­ ing Russia’s end. No other nation’s destruction has been so gravely out­ lined as that which is called Magog and which Bible students interpret as present-day Russia. This is because never in the world’s history has there been such a blatant atheistic and ar­ rogantly blasphemous nation as the Soviet Union. Other nations have been idolatrous. Some have idols o f wood and stone; others have bowed down to the sun, moon and stars. But Rus­ sia’s attitude has been to defy God and to crowd Him out o f His uni­ verse. It has not been a case o f one God against another. The official Soviet attitude is that God is non­ existent ; man is the lord o f life. It is not hard to understand how such views demand punishment from a righteous God. The Lord has vividly described the end o f such blasphemy. Briefly, the story is this: Russia will continue to expand, like a great cancerous growth upon the earth’s surface. Somewhere near the middle o f the tribulation period, Russia will suddenly decide that she must have the chemical and mineral wealth o f the newly-estab­ lished nation o f Israel on the south. With huge armies she will swoop down to seize upon the land o f Pales­ tine. The details are given in Ezekiel 38 and 39. The other nations o f the world will protest vigorously, only on paper. The Jewish people will get set to vainly resist, but when things look absolutely hopeless, God Himself will turn the artillery o f heaven against this invading army and even the ele­ ments will battle the Russian hordes, as earthquakes o f unprecedented fury will shpke the military machines. Rain and hailstones will beat the armies into subjection. Lightning will destroy whole regiments. When the smoke o f battle has cleared away, five-sixths o f the army will be lifeless bodies. Nor is that all, for the same atmos­ pheric ammunition will be directed against the homeland bringing un­ speakable devastation. Such will be the end o f Russian arrogancy. This is the final chapter o f a nation that defied God. This is God’s reply to those who boast that He doesn’t exist.

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