Master Builder Magazine: June-July 2023



Jay Gentle from FMB member company Prestige Management & Build Ltd participates in a Q&A at Tool Fair

FMB London present at Tool Fair FMB London Director Sam Eden hosted a Q&A at this year’s Tool Fair with Jay Gentle from FMB member company Prestige Management & Build Limited to discuss how he made his business the success it is today. Sam Eden: What are the key elements that make a successful construction business? Jay Gentle: Pause and really think about what type of business you want to establish. Build your business on a foundation of strong values and a clear strategy. Remain focused on those goals and constantly refer to them to keep you on track. SE: Why do some smaller businesses struggle? JG: They don’t start with a plan. Don’t lose sight of what your company is trying to achieve. Firms grow too quickly without a system to manage their growth effectively and often overstretch themselves. Not all jobs or clients are right for your business. Identify what works and repeat it. Know your worth and how to price correctly – every job needs to create a profit. SE: What advice do you have for those starting out? JG: It’s not just the tools in your hand now, you need to get skilled with business tools: client, project and staff management, accountancy, marketing, strategy, IT. Do your research and get yourself admin support. You don’t need to be an expert but you will need to understand the fundamentals of running a small business. SE: How do you retain staff? JG: It’s not all about retention; it’s about hiring the right people in the first place. Are you interviewing, asking the right questions, ensuring they can add value and are committed long-term? Build positive relationships and trust, offer pay and job security – it’s essential for your workforce’s morale. SE: How do you keep your clients happy? JG: Communication is your most important tool so set up WhatsApp groups, email and call your clients, host regular meetings. If you keep your client up to speed, they are far more forgiving and supportive when delays and challenges occur – which they always do on site.

FMB London Director Sam Eden hosts a Q&A session at Tool Fair


Master Builder

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