Zoom menu Press the Zoom button to display the zoom magnification functions available for the Part View. Zoom functions include (from top to bottom): • Zoom to include all features • Zoom to include all features selected in the Features list • Zoom to include all features in closed by the user marquee (press and drag to create a marquee)
Change Feature Type button The Change Feature Type button changes the feature type of the feature selected in the Feature List or Part View when the feature can be defined by identical parameters. For example, a circle feature can be changed to an arc. The Change Feature button is not shown when there are no alternative feature types for the selected feature.
System toolbar
The System toolbar function buttons can be configured in the Desktop Settings screen to contain any of the utility functions described earlier in the Preferences menu description. When no utility functions are specified for the system menu (desktop), the minimum buttons contained in the System menu include: 1 System menu 2 Main viewport content indication 3 Home View button (vertical version). The default home screen displays the DRO and Part Views. 4 DRO (stage position) 5 Part View 6 Report View 7 Optical magnification
8 Undo 9 Help System menu Press the System Menu button to display the system functions including: 1 New Part: clears the current part Feature List and part data in preparation for new part measurements 2 Open part file: displays an open file dialog for opening a previously saved part file 3 Print: prints the contents of the main viewport (DRO, Part View, report) 4 User login: used to switch to a different user login account. User Account passwords and privileges are setup in the Security Settings screen. 5 Play program: initiates the playback of the current or loaded part program 6 Save program: displays a save part dialog for saving the current part file 7 Settings screens: provides access to the M2 Settings Screen menu 8 Exit M2: closes the M2 program
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