MetLogix M2 User Manual

Arc Constructions Arc constructions include: • Duplicate arc • Arc from circle • Line Constructions Line constructions include: • Duplicate line •

Arc from three or more positional features

Perpendicular line from line

• Gauge line from two parent lines and a created line (discussed later) • Average of multiple lines • By sector line and perpendicular by sector • Line from 2 or more positional features • Tangent line 1 and 2 between circles • Tangent line 1 or 2 between point and circle • Line from a distance • Perpendicular line to a line through a positional feature • Line parallel to a line through a positional feature • Line tangent 1 or 2 to a circle and perpendicular to a line • Line from a line and angle (rotated by the angle) Angle Constructions Angle constructions include: • Duplicate angle • Angle of a line starting at + X direction • Angle between lines: included, 180-, 180+ and 360- Distance Constructions Distance constructions include: • Duplicate distance • Circumference of a circle • Links of a line • Distance between two angle apexes • Minimum, center or maximum between circles or circle and arc or arcs • Minimum, center or maximum between point and circle or point and arc • Minimum, center or maximum between line and circle or line and arc (perpendicular distance) • Minimum, center or maximum between lines • Perpendicular from point to line • Sum of two distances Feature Construction Procedures There are two procedures for feature construction: • Gauge circle and gauge line constructions • All other feature constructions


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