Entering Nominal Values using Auto-Round Auto-rounding can often save time when repetitively entering nominal feature data. Often measured values are close to blueprint nominal values. Using Auto-rounding, the nominal values for each coefficient of a feature can quickly be rounded up or down to match the nominal values on engineering drawings. To enter nominal values using Auto- rounding: 1 Once a feature has been selected in the Feature List, navigate to the Nominal Feature Detail screen as described earlier. 2 Press in a nominal field. The field will become blue and the keypad will appear. 3 Press the digit that you would like to round. In this example, the second digit to the right of the decimal point was pressed which rounded the last two digits from 51 to 50. The digit selected will cause rounding either up or down based on the value of the digit to its immediate right.
Press and hold the digit to round
Navigate to the Nominal screen
Press in a nominal value field
4 To make adjustments up or down to any rounded digit, press and hold it down and then slide your finger or mouse pointer downward off the digit. Do not release your finger or the mouse cursor. This will select the digit place to be incremented or decremented. 5 Slide your finger or mouse pointer to the left to increase the value or to the right to decrease the value, and then release your finger or mouse cursor. Entering Nominal and Tolerance Values using Place Tolerancing The place tolerancing method uses tolerance information found in the detail block of an engineering drawing. The detail block specifies tolerance values to be used for drawing features based on the number of decimal places reported for the feature. This example shows how a detailed block might appear on a drawing.
.X +/- 0.1” .XX +/- 0.01” .XXX +/- 0.001”
The example indicates that if a feature coefficient includes two decimal places, a tolerance of ± 0.01 should be applied. The M2 system provides a place table for the user to include decimal place information from drawing detail blocks. This table is used in the place tolerancing method to apply detail block tolerances automatically to features measured by the M2 system. To perform place tolerancing: 1 Confirm that the Enable Tolerance Places field in the Measure Settings screen is set to Yes. System toolbar > System menu > Measure settings screen > Place Tolerancing > Yes
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