King's Business - 1916-02



strength o f God, to sin no more in that way. . . . . If you find, as you go on with this duty, that your mind is still all dark, cast about you, and you will find there is some reason for the Spirit o f God to depart from you. You have not been faith­ ful and thorough. . . . . You will never have the spirit of prayer, till you examine yourself, and confess your sins, and break up your fallow ground. O

If you have committed a fault against an individual, and that individual is within your reach, go and confess it immediately, and get that out of the way. I f he is too far off, write him a letter. As you go over the catalogue of your sins, be sure to resolve upon present and entire reformation. “Wherever you find anything wrong, resolve at once, in the

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mouth’s, are very irritating in their calm self-confidence-in presenting to us as an improved translation what is really not a translation at all, but is simply an attempt to bolster up some theory held that is not taught in the Bible. Moffatt’s translation does not seem to us so irritating as Wey­ mouth’s, but there are things in it which are certainly unfortunate, e. g., the trans­ lation o f John 1 :1, “The Logos existed in the very beginning, the Logos was with God, the Logos was Divine.” W e do not object to his not translating the word “Logos” as it is translated in the Author­ ized and Revised Versions by “Word,” there might be reasons for bringing the Greek word over into the English, indeed there are reasons, though there is no advan­ tage in it for the ordinary, plain man or woman. But „w e do object most strenu­ ously to translating the Greek word which means “ God” by “ divine.” What John said was exactly what our Authorized and Revised Versions make him say, “ The Word (or Logos) was God.” Moffatt has absolutely no warrant in the text for chang­ ing it to “ divine,” that is not what the Holy Spirit said through the 'Apostle John. Further down in the third verse we read in Moffatt’s translation, “ Through him all

not even that but an interpretation. It is suggestive, but needs to be Used with great caution, for sometimes it is utterly misleading. Oftentimes there is nothing whatever in the Greek text to warrant the changes' made from the Authorized and Revised Versions. The most dependable translation o f the New Testament, for one not a Greek scholar himself, is the American Standard Version. This is not perfect, but it is Jar more accurate than most o f the translations that are acces­ sible to ordinary men and women. Even the Authorized Version is more accurate than many translations that are put out as improvements upon it. There is an advan­ tage, oftentimes, in consulting some other translation o f the Bible than that found jn the ^Authorized or Revised Version, viz., this, we become so accustomed to the phraseology o f the Bibles we use constantly that we lose, sometimes, the actual mean­ ing o f the words, and a new translation sets us to thinking and to finding out just what the words do mean. But some o f the translations, as for example Wey­

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