King's Business - 1916-02

By Dr. L. Gaussen Professor of Systematic Theology, Oratoire, Geneva

Bt y e InstIfute Courtage Association of Chicago has recently brought d t™ - of. Ga,us?en « celebrated book, “Theopneustia,” for the very low pr?c?of 55 cents. This book is the one great classic on the subject of InspirationThe ou VVhen'a itMeSt®s‘ c™,e!s that he never read the book until thisPedition came t, W, en a stutlent many years ago, m one of the leading theological seminaries book was mentioned by one of the teachers, but mentioned appaSntly s o m e X t f n ^ t h i f I t S lf the j-°ik were tcl0 conservative and were out of date. Suppos- mg this to be thecase we did not read the book then, but when this editiori came to us for review we were led to look into it and then toread I t f?om beginn°ng to end f " d. Z J . to fi,n4 ,ts, great value. It is far from being out if dafe. l1°is’ just the book that is needed today and we could wish that every minister of the gosDel an,4 every theological student would read it. We give a portion of the chapterin' Thifh W m M glvf s a Catechetical Sketch 6f the Main Poinu of the Doctrine” wtnVlId glvereader a taste, and we hope will lead many to secure the entire book which covers 365 pages and is well printed and well bound. enure dook ,

then, are we to undet-

by the prophets at sundry ,times, and in divers manners;” sometimes enabling them to understand what He made them say; sometimes without doing so; sometimes by dreams (Num. 12:6; Job 33 :15; Dan. 1:17; 2 :6 ; 7 :1 ; Gen. 20:6; 31:10; 1 Kings 3:5; Matt. 1:20; 2:12, 22'; Acts 2 :17) and by visions which He afterwards made them relate; sometimes by giving them words internally, which He caused them immedi­ ately to utter; sometimes by words trans­ mitted to them externally, which He caused, them to repeat ( 20:6; 24:4; Job, 7:14; Gen. 20:3; Psalm 89:19; Matt. 17:9; Acts 2:17; 9:10-12; 10:3, 17, 19; 11:5; 12:9; 16:9, 10; 2 Cor. 12:1, 2). III. But what passed in their hearts and minds while they were writing? 1

stan<^ divine inspiration? Divine inspiration is the mys- terious power put forth by the Spirit o f God on the

authors o f holy writ, to make them write it, to guide them even in the employment o f the words they use, and thus to preserve them from all error. II. What are we told o f the spiritual power put forth on the men o f God while they were writing their sacred books? W e are told that they were led or moved “not by the will o f man, but by the Holy Ghost; so that they set forth the things of God, not in words which man’s wisdom teacheth; but which the Holy Ghost teacheth” (2 Peter 1:21; 1 Cor. 2:13). “ God/’ says the apostle (Heb. 1:1), “spake

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