King's Business - 1916-02



intention here to explain the infernal Protestant sect which is in no wise evan­ gelical, except in name. I wish, however, to let you know that I am grateful for the leaflets because: to the fire! to the fire! they will go, since from their outside I can see that they come from such a source. Why read them? I gain nothing and much tp the contrary, will innoculate my soul with poison, the consequences o f which will be worse than the kick o f a mule. “Without more and always at your orders in------------where I will always have the fire ready at your disposal. “ Padre |—------------ .” Will not our readers lay this letter before the Lord in a prayer for the conversion of the priest ?—The Evangelical Christian. An African was looking at some houses that were being built in London when he remarked to a stone cutter, “ The erection o f these buildings is a noble work, but the redemption o f the soul is more noble.” “Where did you learn that?” asked the stone cutter. “ I was born in Africa, and was a heathen, but English Christians, through the Church Missionary Society, sent the Gospel to us, and now I am a follower o f Christ.” The stone cutter stretched out his brawny arm and seized the African by the hand, saying. “ Then you’re one of them as I’ve been praying for these twenty-five years.” For twenty- five years that man had given his penny a week- to the Society, and had always prayed for a blessing. What a wonderful story o f romance, surprise, and adventure the Annual Report of the British and Foreign Bible Spciety is. During the year the W ord o f God was printed for the first time in nine languages, making a total o f 487 languages. The issues, 10,162,413. During the first eight months o f the war, a million and a half volumes, in twenty languages, were distrib­ uted amongst the sick and wounded sol­ diers and sailors in a dozen different coun­ tries.

Let Pessimists Take Note Let those who think Christianity is a spent force, ponder the follow ing: When Carey, the first Protestant mis­ sionary o f the world, went to India, the whole number o f nominal Christians in the world was about 200,000,000. Now there are' 500,000,000. When he, in the .eighteenth century, went out from Christendom as a missionary to the dark world o f heathen­ dom, the population o f the world was about 1,000,000,000. It is now supposed to be about 1,500,000,000 which is only another way o f saying that, while the population o f the world has increased during this period fifty per cent., Christianity has increased 150 per cent., and the ratio shows that the cause o f Christ advanced more within the past twenty-five years than it did in the seventy-five preceding. Our God is marching on.— Exchange. Priestly Opposition in Brazil Rev. Bryce W . Ranken o f the Evangel­ ical Union o f South America, working in S. Paulo, Brazil, forwards a translation of a letter received from a Roman Catholic priest in the State o f Goyaz, Brazil. The priestXhas been the subject o f the cares o f an evangelist who had sent him some Gospel literature: This was the response that was brought forth: “ The day before yesterday I received through the p’ost some booklets and a leaf­ let with the title “ One Only Mediator- Christ,” and I don’t know what more, addressed to the Vicar of ----------. I do not know you, neither do you know me, that you should send me leaflets hurtful to my faith as a Catholic and still more as a priest. However, I thank you for sending them, because they will be at least one, two or three less to circulate in the midst o f the Brazilian society, which was, is and always will be essentially Catholic, wanting nothing from the partisans o f a sect, born in pride and of the pride o f man, in lasciviousness and other current evils, ruled over by Luther, Calvin, &c., true mediators o f a sect which really has Satan for its father and founder. It is not my

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