King's Business - 1916-02

B i b l e I n s t i t u t e A c t i v i t i e s THE MONTH ’S REV I EW


WORK IN THE SHOPS David Cant, Supt.

and could profitably devote our entire time to just visiting the homes of our men. Some o f these are inquiring for good, clear Gospel tracts, to -distribute. One who is keeping these messages well scattered, is a regular attendant at our communion service at “ The Church of the Open Door,” and is so glad o f the privilege; it is" his only- opportunity to attend any service. Another can be seen every Monday even­ ing a t the Fishermen’s^ lu b , with glowing responsive face, while a third, coming in contact with the false teaching so prevalent on every side, is exposing the samp to his fellow workers by comparing with the W ord of God.

“ A S thy days thy strength shall be” has been most graciously realized during a very strenuous month’s service. W e have averaged over twenty meetings, of various kinds, per week. These have included open airs at the beaches in addi­ tion to those in the city streets, shops and barns. Thousands have heard the “story that never grows old,” in song, testimony and tract distribution. The plowing and sowing will surely bring the reaping some day, although even now we are permitted to witness results. Returning recently from the car barns we had the-joy o f seeing men and boys definitely receiving the Lord Jesus as


Some of our men are feeling keenly the pressure o f scant work, and these hard­ ships are affording open doors to their hearts, thus paving the way for Himself. - An interview was recently requested and we listened to the conflicts, defeats and needs o f one whom Jesus loves, and were

Saviour as the written Word has been faithfully brought before them. The per­ sonal work brings such returns!j This is not only true among the wanderers in the paths o f sin, but among those who pro­ fess to know Him as Saviour. W e can see in these days the “trimming o f lamps,”

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