King's Business - 1916-02



able to turn his thoughts from the arm of flesh to God, the Mighty One who is touched with the feeling o f our infirmities. “ Please go and see a friend o f mine who is very ill,” came from a motorman. “ I wish you would find a chance to speak to my conductor; he used to be interested, but has gone far astray.” So much to do! and only such a short time to work, to war, ere we rest forever; ^ One "who is wise as a winner o f souls accompanies us each week. He has a bull dog tenacity; he grips and doesn’t know how to let go. W e watched him baiting the hook. He always begins on his knees, then as he goes out l.c> the fishing pool, he has an easy,- natural approach. He prayerfully selects his man and soon you see him driving the truth home. I saw him holding on to one fellow for over an hour last week; Objections, eva­ sions, excuses, every effort to get off on side issues, all one after the other squarely met with the Scriptures, till the poor strug­ gling,. squirming fish finally admitted he would not give in yet for he loved the world too much. The following week on his knees again ere starting out, he prayed the Lord Jesus to bring him in , contact once more with his man, and that he might yield. W e were separated that afternoon, but the next day we saw his bright face r P HE Mission Hall has been removed -I from 639%-San Fernando Street to SOI New High Street. This is the best location we have yet had, and already we see the benefits o f the change. As the open air meetings are held at the corner o f Republic and Main Street?, and‘the hall is only a short distance from there and in plain view, it is much easier to get those attending the street service to go to the hall. During the past year 533 Gospel meet­ ings were conducted, with a total attend­ ance o f 24,755; 370 persons professed the

with an added glow upon it as he told o f the safe landing o f his fish with Heb. 10:29 as the filial word. W e find the war in the light o f prophecy always affords an opening -for the Gospel. Charts and simple blackboard talks attract, and any reference to hell is sure to stir’ up the devil. There is a growing interest in many quarters. Men are feeling the gathering pressure, and hearts failing for fear in perilous times, are manifest. All seem Tinder a great and increasing strain. W e have to catch men these days “ on the run.” Ond worker whose heart was filled with his message to the running over point, rushed up to a man as he was hurry­ ing away with an abrupt, “ Don’t you want to. become a child o f God?” The great big man was fairly staggered at the sudden­ ness o f the attack. He started back and shook as he tremblingly said, “Yes, I do.” Another sitting oh the edge o f a chair drank in every word. Pulling out his watch he rushed to catch his car. One of our boys, always on the alerf, tore out after him, had a few faithful words as they ran along together, and slipped into his hand a marked copy o f the Gospel o f John. Will you, who read these lines, have a share in the reward in that day by remem­ bering these men before Him? Lord Jesus as their Saviour; 41,750 tracts were distributed; 949 Gospels and 161 Testaments were placed in the hands o f those who would read them; 257 personal letters were written and 775 persqnal cails made. Also 114 Bible classes and 200 other religious services were conducted; 6985 persons were fed and 2334 given a place to sleep ; 98 hqspital visits were made and 31 jail meetings held. Also, during the last seven months a Sunday School has. been conducted each Lord’s Day for street boys, with an attend­ ance o f about 45 or 50.


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