King's Business - 1916-02



them. In Pasadena he was invited by the Chief o f Police to speak to the men von the force, which he did, talking for over an hour o f his life o f crime, and o f the saving power o f Jesus .Christ. He will be 70 years old very'soon, and

for the better part of-sixty years his life was a menace to .society, but in a letter .received from him this morning, he speaks like a little child in his eagerness to bring joy to the heart o f the" Master whom he so long ignored and blasphemed.

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William Sloan, Supt.

'T 'H E month has been used in the Kern River and Coalinga fields. The Sun­ day Schools started in each o f these places years ago are still alive and doing good work. The sad feature was that in one1 place the Adventists, and in the other the Christian Scientists, had come into posses­ sion o f some who had started in' the

ing showed the reality o f things and the falsehood o f the statement that mind is everything. Families were saved, Chris­ tians were helped, God was glorified. The last evening o f the meetings in one o f these fields a man and wife found Jesus Christ. It was good to hear them say Yes to the blessed Lord. In personal


Christian life on the -occasion o f former visits o f the worker. We are glad to report that some o f their work went down again under the teaching o f God’ s Word. The study o f Romans and Galatians was a black eye to the legalists, and “How sick folks are saved’’ according^ to the Bible way, tp the Scientists. Such discussion and teach-

work.several confessed Christ. • This year’s work has been largely cor­ rective in its nature—the “ isms” o f the day, and the “ falling away-first” before thè man o f sin is revealed, being apparent. At this writing we are now in Olig, with a hopeful outlook for a good work. Prày much for the Oil Field work.

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