King's Business - 1916-02



Oscar Zimmermann, Supt.

B ECAUSE o f the recent slides in the, Panama Canal, no large vessels have arrived from the East Coast for a period o f three or four weeks. This has given the worker an opportunity to catch up a little with the lumber vessels, and a marked change is noticed on board these vessels ov£r conditions o f a year or so' ago. A very different reception and hearing was accorded us, and the hardest o f the men gave the worker a welcoming hand. There seems to be a spirit o f fear growing among men o f the world—a fear because o f the times which seem just ahead o f us. Prayer wai answered time and again.

o f the war, uncertainty o f life and his unconverted state,, he gladly received the message which he had often heard before. Yet, because o f the insincerity o f life among his Christian friends, he_ had turned away from everything and was miserable. “I asked myself the question,” he said, “in case o f accident to the ship would I. die like a man, bravely? Would I do my duty? And I said, I will die like a man.” He'was asked by the worker, “What will become of you after death ? Could you say you would be safe eternally?” He admitted that he was not a Christian. After settling different difficulties, he said, “ I will come


home now,” and. he took. Christ as his per­ sonal Saviour.. In his dark days, when he could see no one standing out for God, and thought all a sham, God used a negro stoker a s a rebuke to him. Almost blind, with homdy features, yet because o f his peace at heart, the sunshine oh his face, and his faithful Christian life, he was ari

After a voyage of forty days from Buenos Aires, a steamer arrived in port, arid very giadly welcomed the worker, the men Seeming to be glad to see a new face among them. About eleven different nationalities were represented in the crew, and God led the worker definitely to an officer who was alone in his cabin. Because

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