King's Business - 1916-02



the week I gave her some lesson outlines to help her in her private study. The questions were coming thick and fast in the class, and the Bible woman was becoming almost impatient to be progress­ ing with the lesson as-scheduled, when one o f the, women who was most persistent in pressing , a point said : “ I atn not asking these questions from curiosity, I waht to know what God has said about this matter because I want to know what He wants me to do.’’ W e did not finish the scheduled lesson that day, for we realized that there were ,lessons which God Himself was bringing home to hearts, and our work is

to change lives, not merely instruct heads. At the close o f one o f ray Bible classes, several women came to me to ask ,i f I really believed there was such a place as hell. This led to a study o f the subject from the Word o f God, and a few weeks afterwards one o f the same women asked me if I could not come some morning (the class was in a suburban town) to her par­ ticular section o f the town for visitation among her neighbors; she wanted to see them saved. From what? From hell. “ The W ord o f God is quick and power­ ful.”



By Dr. William Evans

'T 'H IS is the great question to be settled when the war is over. It will not be “the last great war” even though civiliza­ tion seems now to think it will be. Schemes for world-wide disarmament, for inter­ national peace conferences, for division of territory according to racial principles, the signing o f peace treaties—these things, great, good, and commendable as they are, will fail, unless we go farther and get at the very heart o f the matter—the estab­ lishment o f righteousness in the hearts of kings, kingdoms, and peoples. Let us pray and work for the coming o f the Prince of Peace and the King o f Righteousness. It may be asked, “ But Las' not the Gospel been preached among, and the Christ accepted by these warring nations?” That Christ has been preached among these peo­ ples there can be no question; indeed they are among the foremost missionary agen­ cies ; they have sent missionaries to preach Christ to the heathen nations o f the world —those very nations that today, because of this war, laugh and ridicule the Christian­ ity which they are asked to accept as a balm for all their troubles, but which does

not save these missionary nations them- splves from their own present awful trou­ ble. Yes, Christ has been preached to these nations, but they have not as. nations accepted Him as Savjour and Ruler. Indi­ viduals among them have done so, and were the subject o f war submitted to such individuals, war would Immediately and forever cease. But national salvation is not the plan o f God for this age. It is the divine purpose for this dispensation that there should be gathered out from among mankind those who, by a living faith, unite themselves, x>r are united by His Spirit, to Christ, as Saviour and Lord. These gatft- ered-out ones are the Church indeed, by whom the gospel is to be preached to the whole world. Whatever peace may be pos­ sible during.. this dispensation we may rest assured will be broughtr about by the preaching o f the Gospel and the accept­ ance o f the Christ as personal Saviour. No ! Christianity and the Church have not failed! The measure o f peace we enjoy must be attributed to the acceptance o f just the very principles enunciated by the teachings o f the true Church and spirit of Christ.

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