King's Business - 1916-02



(3) Confess your own faults and cover the failings o f others. (4) The seed o f strife is in selfish seeking o f glory. (5) The mind o f Christ is mirrored in the Word. ( 6) Christ did not cease to be God when He ceased to be man. (7) Christ laid aside His royal robes and took the servant’s towel. ( 8) Keep t'he pattern o f the perfect man and pleas for power to be like him.

What position has God given Him? Eph. 1 :21 ; 1 Peter 3 :22. What homage has God ordained for Him ? Rom. 14:11; Col. 1:1,6-18; Rev. 3:13. W ill Delievers share with Him this exal­ tation? John 17:24 ; Eph. 1:22, 23. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The motive to likemindedness is the melting love o f Christ. (2) The unity which Paul urged was not unanimity o f opinion, but unity through union with Christ. , -------- -O

The Christian Brotherhood at Jerusalem FEBRUARY 20, 1916. LESSON VIII. (TEMPERANCE LESSON ). Acts 4:32; 5:5. (Commit vs. 34, 35). G olden T e x t : “ Love one another with a pure heart fervently.”—1 Peter 1:22.

• DA ILY BIBLE READINGS' Mon., Feb. 14—Acts 4:32-37. (The Lesson). Tues., Feb. 15—Acts 5:1-16. (The Lesson). Wed., Feb. 16—James 3 :1-10. Thurs., Feb. 17—1 John 3:13-24. Fri., Feb. 18—Eccl. 5:1-12. Sat., Feb. 19—Prov. 12:14-2?. Sun., Feb. 20—1 Cor. 13.


and love are seen in genuine Christianity in every age, but the forms o f their expres­ sion may differ, even as they did in the early church; for while we find a com­ munity o f goods here, we find no such community o f goods outside o f Jerusalem. But the spirit o f the thing continues with Christians in all ages; for no true Chris­ tian regards aught o f the things he pos­ sesses his own (cf. 1 John 3:14, 17, 18). Every true believer holds all that he pos­ sesses not for the sake o f himself, ncr even for the sake o f his immediate rel­ atives, but for the sake o f the whole body o f Christ.

v. 32. " And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and o f one (omit, of one .) soul :, neither said any of them (and not one of them said) that aught of the' things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things com­ mon.” Quite a time has passed since Pen­ tecost, perhaps a year or more, but still the unity and love o f the early church con­ tinues. This love was evidently deep seated arid permanent. The source o f this love is found in the 31st verse, " they were all filled with the Holy Ghost-” wherever the Holy Ghost reigns in the heart there will be abounding love (Gal. 5:22, 23). Unity

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