King's Business - 1916-02



What'injunction, if heeded, would have saved Ananias ? Matt. 6 :2, 3. Was this snare o f Satan a common one? Matt. 23 :5-7. What did Ananias become when he withheld a portion ? Mai. 3 :8. What does'God say concerning deceivers in relation to offerings? Mai. 1:14. I f a man vow a vow to God had he better pay it? Deut. 23:21; Psa. 50:14. What great law did Ananias and Sap- phira violate? 1 Cor. 10 :31. ( 3 ) The Supernatural Sagacity of Peter, ch. 5:3 , 4, 8, 9. Who incited this sin? Gen. 3:13. What did he do to Judas? Jpljn 13 :27-29. Is the devil on the job now? 1 Peter 5 :8. . How can he be beaten at his own game? Jas. 4:7 (Be sure you get the proper order in this verse). How did Peter know that. Ananias Had lied? Luke 21:15; Jas. 1:5. Is the Holy Spirit, God? cf. v. 3 with v. 4 ; 2 Cor. 13:14. Was .the punishment inflicted for good? 1 Cor. 5 :5. (4 ) The Solemn Sense of Separation, ch. 5:1 1-13. Was God’s judgment solemnizing? Psa. §9:7 ; .1 Peter 1:17.

What .is the purpose o f recording these things? 1 Cor. 10:10-11. Was the effect o f this judgment helpful to the church ? v. 12; Acts 9:30-35. Has the Gospel o f Christ a separating power? Luke 14:26, 27: PRACTICAL POINTS (1) When Christ is the heart o f a church, that church will be as one soul. (2) Christian communion is hindered by carnal Christianity. (3) The Communists say “What is yours is mine” . The Christian says “What is mine is yours.” (4) There was a common nature—Christ; a common name, “ Christ-ones”'; a - common work, witnessing; a com­ mon treasury; the apostles’ feet; an uncommon community. (5) Every believer is pledged to prove by life and lip that Christ is risen. ( 6) Heaven’s blessings fall upon a purged and purified church. (7) The substance o f Ananias’ sin was the> semblance o f devotion to God. ( 8) Satan sought to spoil the splendor of the Spirit’s triumphs. (9) There was no lack in the larder for ( there was no lack o f love in the life.

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