King's Business - 1916-02



He may be “hated o f all men” for Christ’s name’s sake, but he is sheltered by Christ Himself. By a steadfast endurance under all the trials that shall come upon us we shall wjn our souls (R. V .). Tuesday, February 29 . Luke 21 : 20 - 28 . This- same general prophecy is found also in Matthew (ch. 24) and in Mark (ch. 13), but there are characteristic and signifi­ cant variations. In Luke and Mark the question o f the disciples that Jesus was answering had entirely to do with the destruction o f the temple which Jesus had just predicted ( vs.'5-7), but Matthew gives the further question that the disciples asked at the same'time,-“What shall be the sign of Thy coming, and o f the end o f the'age?” So Matthew gives the fullest account o f our Lord’s answer, setting forth the coming o f our Lord in its relations to the Jews, the Gentiles and the Church o f God. Verses 20 to 24 have primarily to do with the destruction o f Jerusalem in 70 A. D. These words o f Christ were very literally and frightfully fulfilled at that time. The num­ ber who perished in that siege is said to have been upwards o f a million, and the number carried away- captive ninety-seven thousand. But there is yet to be another siege o f Jerusalem in which these words will find further fulfillment. The times of the Gentiles mentioned in verse 24 still continue, and Jerusalem is still being “ trod­ den down of the Gentiles.” This very day, as we write these words there are cannon belonging to the Gentiles on some o f the most sacred spots. This, prophecy continues being fulfilled to this day in spite o f the attempts o f the Emperor Julian and others to upset the sure word o f God. Verses 25 to 28 are full o f comfort in days like ours when “men (are) fainting for fear, and for expectation o f the things which are coming on the world.” In such times as these Jesus, tells us not to fear, but to look up, and life up our heads, because our redemption draweth nigh.

Monday, February 28 . Luke 21 : 10 - 19 .

These words are largely words o f com­ fort for Christ’s disciples in view o f the tribulations that they called upon to go through with in ' common with other men, more particularly in view of the trib­ ulations that shall come upon them because of their loyalty to .Christ. In yesterday’s study we have seen that Christians need not be afraid when they hear of, “ wars and tumults,” because they are necessary p a rts'of the working out o f God’s plan for the end of the age, and the end will not immediately follow ; but' here we are told that we need not be disturbed because o f “ great earthquakes, and in divers places famines and pestilences.” Neither do we need to be disturbed because o f “terrors and great\ signs from heaven.” All these things, have heen characteristic o f recent days and have disturbed many and filled them with apprehension, but that is not the Christian 'attitude toward these things, these things have all been foretold. Fur­ thermore, we do not need to be afraid when arrested and cast into prison and brought before rulers and the great men of earth, because o f our' faithfulness to Christ. Indeed, we do not even need to prepare a defense, for Christ Himself will give us, in thp critical moment, “ a mouth and wis­ dom which all their (our) adversaries shall not be able to gainsay.” Further even than this, we do not need to be afraid when betrayed by parents and brethren and kins­ folk and friends, or even when actually put to death. Even then not even a hair o f our heads shall perish. What seems like death will be a departure to be with Christ, and the preparation for a better resurrection. With what pbwer these words must come home at this time to the Armenians who are passing through such terrible trials and laying down their lives because o f their loyalty to Christ. Under any circumstances, and under all circumstances, the disciple o f Jesus need not have an anxious thought.

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