King's Business - 1916-02

The Works of Dr. William Evans

OUTLINE STUDY OF THE BIBLE W ith Illustrative Charts. A proper study o f the Bible should con- vsist at least o f a bird’s-eye view ,o f the Bible, as a whole; a general survey o f the two Testaments in their relation one to the other; an intelligent grasp o f the con­ tents o f each o f the Testaments; the cor­ rect-grouping o f the related books" in each o f the Testaments; the careful study of ,each individual book composing the Bible; and a clear understanding o f the great topics or themes o f the Book. OUTLINE STUDY OF THE BIBLE aids one in .ac­ complishing all this, particularly in a ready ’ comprehension o f the leading or principal contents. The sixteen (full-page) chart views accompanying the, text assist effec­ tively in fixing in the mind the strong lines o f Bible truth. 12m o., cloth covers, 1 15 pages, 50c net; postage, 6c. THE BOOK METHOD OF BIBLE STUDY The author believes that the book method of Bible, stlady is the best method, because this method gives due prominence to the structure o f this liking organism o f truth. W e quote from his Introduction: The Bible was made bookwise—one book at a' time, according as the need for the truth, historical, prophetical or ethical, as set forth therein, arose. ■ . ’ - In this volume the book-method is ap­ plied to iilalachi, John, Acts, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Hebrews, First John and the Revelation. 12m o., cloth covers, 127 pages, 50c net. Postage, 6c. H O W TO MEMORIZE A compact manual o f fundamental prin­ ciples and best suggestions for memoriz­ ing, with especial application to Scripture. Appropriate selections for practice are also included. ^Every student, teacher, preacher and public speaker should possess this valu­ able book. It will be quite as helpful also to business men, sales people, day and Sun­ day-School teachers, librarians, postal, tele­ graph and railroad employes and others whose work makes special demands upon the memory. . 16mo., cloth cover*, 9 5 pages, 50c net; postage, 6c.

PERSONAL SOUL-W INNING A guide to the most effective methods for winning men to Christ. Extract ironi the author's Foreward: “ There is no Christian however humble or insignificant he may feel himself, or others esteem him to be, who is not appointed by the Spirit to be a winner - of souls. That the individual Christian may be prompted, encouraged, and equipped to do this kind o f Personal Soul-Winning work, is the purpose of this book. Its popular or conversational style o f address will; it is hoped, enable the book to more thoroughly accomplish its purpose. The leading Scripture references have been made to stand out distinctly from the main body o f type in order that they may he easily located.” 12m o., cloth covers, 1 92 pages, $ 1 .0 0 net A volume o f practical help for ministers and theological students and also Christian laymen who are called to the blessed wo,tk o f preaching the Gospel o f Jesus Christ. Part One includes chapters on the Text, the Theme, Sermon Material, the Sermon It­ self, Bible Readings, Great Chapters as Texts, and Illustrations and Their Use. Part Two gives Outlines o f Sermons, Gos­ pel Addresses and Bible Readings. 12m o., cloth, about 2 0 0 pages, $ 1 .0 0 net; 8c postage extra. THE CHR ISTIAN : HIS CREED AND CONDUCT Hundreds o f eager listeners representing as many as twelve denominations followed weekly these lectures as given before an immense union Bible class, and many re­ quested their early publication that others might also be benefited. 12m o., art stock covers, 1 2 8 pages, 25c net; full cloth covers, 50c net. Postage 6c. H O W TO PREPARE SERMONS AND GOSPEL ADDRESSES

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