King's Business - 1916-02

The Works of Dr. William Evans (Continued)


THE BOOK OF BOOKS: WHAT IT IS; HOW TO STUDY IT A valuable handbook for individual or class use. Part One deals with the names ° j ,i 1 lts inspiration, genuineness and authenticity, canon, languages, versions general structure, etc. Part Two takes' up the interpretation o f the Bible, and its study as a whole by books, chapters, topics, words, fish 0re tban 5000 copies already pub- Excellently adapted for use by Christian Endeavor Societies^ Epworth Leagues, Baptist Young People’s Unions, Young Men s . and Young Women’s Christian As­ sociations, etc. 12mo., cloth covers, 224 pages, $1.00. THE CHRISTIAN: HIS CREED AND CONDUCT Hundreds, o f eager listeners representing as many as twelve denominations followed weekly these lectures as given before an immense union Bible class, and many re­ quested their early publication that others might also be benefited. 12mo., art stock covers, 128 pages, 25c net; full cloth covers, 50c net. Postage 6c. ’ THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS

The doctrines treated are dealt with from the standpoint o f Biblical rather than dog­ matic theology. This is evident from the plan which is followed in the work, namely to gather together all the Scripture pas­ sages dealing with the subject under con­ sideration, and from them choose a re­ quired number that may be called repre­ sentative; then seek to understand the meaning o f these references by the study ot the text itself as well as its context and «parallel passages; and finally,,from the se­ lected proof-texts, formulate the doctrinal teaching, and place sueh results under ap­ propriate headings., 8 vo., cloth, 275 pages, $1.50 net. Pos­ tage, 15c. “ WHY I AM NOT A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST” This booklet contains the substance o f « r ii? ans o f similar title delivered olher pffces. E Lake’ PittsburSh. and 16mo„ art stock covers, 15c each: 8 copies for $1.00.

FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN Booklet ............

~5c Booklet .............................

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Some of the Writings

of Rev. J. H. Sammis

TRUTH FOR YOU There is no better booklet published for the use o f personal workers than “Truth for You. It contains a concise, but thor- 'ough treatment o f the great doctrines o f the faith, o f the dispensations, and o f the false teachings o f the day. There are also practical suggestions to soul winners, a tracer for personal workers, a complete index, aqd blank pages for prayer lists. Leather, 25c each. Per doz., $2.50. Paper, 10c, 3 for 25c, 100 for $6.00. THE A . B. C. OF BIBLICAL EVIDENCES A small booklet containing twenty-six propositions in proof that the Bible is the Word o f God. 8 cents each; 50c a dozen.

A WORD FOR THE TIMES A folder showing that the. Scriptures foretell the rise o f false teachings and o f signs and wonders which shall endanger the. very elect? It also shows where our safety lies, the, essential marks o f the Gos­ pel, and that our Lord Jesus Christ is God incarnate. 20 cents a hundred, postpaid. A FOLDER OF POETRY Contains “The Cure for Trouble,” Right to Smile,” and “ My Creed.” 10c a dozen. “ The

THE LIFE THAT WINS A beautiful song set to’ music by Pro­ fessor L. F. Peckham. ; 10c a dozen. Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California

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