King's Business - 1916-02

Attention! Booklovers! Those who want the very best there is to be had in Christian literature will be glad to have the opportunity o f purchasing the following eleven books at the remarkably low price for which we are now offering them. Each book listed here is the very best in its particular sphere. How to Bring Men to Christ By R. A. Torrey. The author first The Divine Unity o f Scripture By Adolph Saphir. Dr. Saphir was

eminently fitted, both by mind and train­ ing, for the task o f presenting the subject indicated by the title o f this book. He understood better than most theologians the sources from which many o f the wea­ pons are derived that are now used in the criticism o f the Bible. Some of the chapter headings are as follows. The Books o f Israel and o f the Church Shown to be Originally Connected. Our Faith Based on Facts—and the Bible a Book of Facts. Objections to Miracle Have No Basis in Reason. The Doctrinal, Typical, and Prophetical Aspects o f the History of Israel. The Deep Spiritual Meaning o f the Decalogue and o f the Whole Law. The Jewish Ordinances Shown to Reveal Viv­ idly the Gospel. The Wonders o f Prophecy By John Urquhart. Contents: I. A Serious Question. II. Can the Question Be Answered? III. Predictions Regarding Tyre and Sidon. IV. Predictions Regard­ ing Egypt. V. ^ Predictions Regarding Egypt (Continued). VI. Idumea and the Sea-Coast o f Palestine. VII. Judea and Babylon. V lll. A Prophetic Forecast of the World’s Entire History. IX. Prophe­ cies Fulfilled in the Coming, the History, and the Work o f Christ. X. predictions. Fulfilled in the History o f the Jews. ~ Christ and the Scriptures By Adolph Saphir. The following ex­

shows the general conditions of success in bringing men to Christ. He then makes practical suggestions concerning different methods for beginning the work. This is followed by different live methods for deal­ ing with a variety o f classes o f people: the indifferent and careless; those who are anxious to be1saved, but do not know how ; those who are anxious to be saved and know how, but who have difficulties; those who entertain false hopes; those who lack assurance, and backsliders; professed skep­ tics and infidels,; the complaining; those who wish to put off decision until some other time, and the wilful and deluded. A chapter is devoted to general suggestions which will pròve helpful to the worker, and still another to the baptism with the Holy Spirit—a condition o f success in per­ sonal work that is o f cardinal importance. By Sir. Robert Anderson. W e qùote from the author’s preface : “ As the book is addressed to men o f the world, it speaks from the standpoint Of scepticism—the true scepticism which tests everything, not the sham sort which credulously accepts anything that seems to discredit the Bible. If, for example, the Bible taught evolution, it may be averred That evolution would be scoffed at by many who now cling to it with a childlike faith worthy o f the infant class in the Sunday School. With the true sceptic it is merely a philosophic theory.” Contents: I. How Did Life Begin? II. The Darwinian Theory. III. Herbert Spencer’s Scheme. IV. Have W e a Reve­ lation? V. Is Christianity Divine ? VI. Mr. A. J. Balfour’s Scheme. VII. The Cosmogony o f Genesis. VIII. “An Agnos­ tic’s Apology.” . IX. The Irrationalism of Infidelity. X. A Sceptic’s Plea for Faith. XI. How to Read the Bible. XII. The “ Higher Criticism.” A Doubter’s Doubts About Science and Religion

cerpts from the text will give an idea of the contents o f the book: “ It is impos­ sible for us to understand the nature of Scripture unless we view it in relation to the Son o f God, the Messiah o f Israel, the Redeemer o f God’s people; for He is the center and kernel o f the inspired record.” “ Consider Christ in His relation to the people in general, and to their teachers and spiritual rulers. In teaching them and ar­ guing with them, the Lord invariably re­ fers- to the Scriptures as the authority which cannot be gainsaid; the standard which is infallible, and against which there is no appeal.” Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California.

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