King's Business - 1916-02

“ The Lord from Heaven” - By ^ 'r Robert Anderson. Chapters on the deity o f Christ. I. Introductory: The Question at Issue. II. The Meaning o f rw0IV ,m Scripture. III. The Son o f Man. ; • The Son o f God. V. The Testimony ° f the First Gospel. VI. The Testimony o f the Fourth Gospel. VII. The Testi- mony o f James and the Hebrews. VIII. The Testimony o f the Apostle Paul. IX. The Testimony o f the Revelation. X For the Sake o f His Name.” XI. The Revelation of, Grace, and the Life to Come. The Gospel and Its Ministry By Sir Robert Anderson. A hand­ book o f evangelical truth. The author says in his preface: “W e are not called upon to wear the martyr’s crown, but it is ours to share the martyr’s faith. W e can have no toleration for the veiled scepticism which is passing for Christianity today.” Contents: I. Introductory. II. Grace. III. The Cross. IV. Faith. V. Repentance and the Spirits Work. VI. Election. VII. Substitution. VIII. Righteousness. IX. Sanctification. X. Reconciliation. XI. Justification by Faith. XII. Justification XI11- Justification by Blood. X IV . Holiness and Sanctification. X V Cleansing by Blood. XVI. The Priesthood o f Christ. XV II. At-one-ment. XV III. the Godhood. o f God. X IX . Miracles. Satan By Lewis S. Chafer. We quote from the author: This attempt to outline the Scripture teaching on this character will be undertaken under certain general con­ ditions: First—The authority o f the Scriptures o f both the Old and New Testa­ ments |will be accepted without question. Second—Evidence will be drawn from the Word o f God alone, since no final light can be found on this subject other than it has pleased God to reveal in the Bible, third There will be no discussion as to the_ actual existence o f Satan; this being both assumed and taught from Genesis to Revelation. The subject is treated under the following topics: The Career o f Sa- tan. The Ages. The Course o f This Age. This Age and the Satanic System. The ?,atf,ni= H° s£- Satan’s Motive. Satan’s Methods. The Man o f Sin. The Fatal Omission. Modern Devices. The Be­ liever’s Present Position. The Believer’s Present Victory.

The Higher Criticism and the New Theology Edited by Dr. R. A. Torrey. The Chapter headings and names o f writers are a® follow s : The Moral Glory o f J psus Christ a P roof o f Inspiration, by Dr. Wm. G. Moorehead. The History o f the Higher Criticism, by Canon Dyson Hague. Fal- lacies o f the Higher Criticism, by Franklin Johnson. Christ and Criticism, by Sir Rob­ ert Anderson. The Testimony o f the Monuments to the Truth o f the Scriptures by George Frederick Wright. The Recent testimony o f Archaeology to the Scrip- t*lres. by M. G. Kyle. The Inspiration of the Bible—Definition, Extent and P roof - by 1 ® James M. Gray. The Virgin Birth • Christ, by James Orr. The Certainty and Importance o f the Real and Bodily Resurrection o f Jesus Christ from the Dead by Dr. R. A. Torrey. The Deity o f Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, by P r- R- A. Torrey. The Deity o f Christ, by , r° f- Benjamin B. Warfield. The Bible Teaching Regarding Future Punish­ ment, by Dr. R. A. Torrey. Tributes'to Christ and the Bible by Brainy Men Not Known as Active Christians—Quotations from Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jeffer- son, Daniel Webster, and many others The Growing Church By Cleland Boyd McAfee. A study for the times. Chapter I. A Typical Grow­ ing Church. Chapter II. The Divine Ele­ ment in Church Growth. Chapter III. The Preaching o f the Growing Church. Chap­ ter IV. The Separation o f the Church. Chapter V. The Discomfiture o f the Hypo­ crites. Chapter VI. The Changed Lives o f the Converts. Chapter VII. Some Hints o f Method. Chapter VIII. The Perils and Safeguards. The Hidden Life By Adolph Saphir. Eight o f the eleven chapters o f this book are addresses on Jumes 4:8, “ Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.” The book con­ tains thoughts on the great subject o f the Christian s hidden life, and describes the experienced reality o f revelation and o f prayer, or o f communion with God. The author says: “We know that no'nf can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Ghost; and when we are brought most fully and deeply into communion with Christ, in sea­ sons o f great soul trial or spiritual eleva­ tion, we feel most clearly and strongly that there is one spirit which unites all who love the Lord Jesus, and who have exper­ ienced the power and sweetness o f divine grace.

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