Ten Great Reasons TO BUY A WE ST PO I NT HOME
4 D E S I GNE D TO S U I T YOU R L I F E ST Y L E On average, 17% of the space in older properties lies unused. In a typical £200,000 house, as much as £34,000 could be going to waste. We design your new-build home to provide flexible, usable space – to fit the way you live your life. 5 SA F E AND S ECU R E Your new home’s structure, ventilation, sound insulation, electrical system, gas supply and fire safety are all designed to meet today’s strict building standards. So be assured you and your loved ones are safe and secure. 6 H I GH S P EC I F I CAT I ON We include many features in the price, such as a high-quality fitted kitchen, appliances from leading manufacturers, cloakrooms, and en-suites to principal bedrooms.
1 MOD E RN B U I L D I NG STANDA R D S We invest time and resources to take your home beyond the industry standards of construction, design and energy efficiency. * 2 F I X E D P R I C E The price you see is the price you pay. All without the added stress of a closing date, which is often part of the second-hand property buying process. 3 B R AND NEW HOME S Move in and enjoy, without months of DIY. And if you purchase early in the build stage, you can select your own kitchen, bathroom tiles and paint colours.
9 B U I L D I NG NEW COMMUN I T I E S Our locations and designs make the most of streetscapes and landscape areas, lending instant kerb appeal and sense of place. The result is a neighbourhood where you will instantly feel welcome, and that will be equally appealing to buyers, should you ever wish to sell. 1 0 T HE P E R SONA L TOUCH We keep in touch with you at every stage of your build, so you’ll always know the progress of your new home. Our Site Manager will personally make sure all aspects of your new home are built to our high standards, and that it’s examined at the key stages by an NHBC inspector.
7 ENE RGY E F F I C I ENT HOME S Significant financial savings every year – that is the benefit you can expect from the reduced energy bills in your new home. In fact, new homes are typically six times more energy efficient than older properties, and generate less than 60% of the CO2 – so you are helping to preserve the environment. 8 YOU R GUA R ANT E E S Your Westpoint home comes with the reassurance of the National House Builders’ Council (NHBC) guarantee. The standards are exacting, and detailed NHBC inspections take place as your new home is being built. Second-hand homes put the burden of repairs on you – the buyer.
* In-line with energy efficiency recommendations at time of build.
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