Reform Judaism - Siddur

In some congregations after a silent Amidah, the following Vay’chulu and the ‘repetition of the Amidah ’are said.

m ¦i¬©n ¨X ©d E ²N ªk §i ©e ÎlÇok §e u ¤[g¨` ¨d §e mF´I ©A Æmi ¦Grl¡` l³©k §i ©e :m«¨` ¨a §v d®¨U¨r x´¤W£` F gY §k`©l §n i ½¦ri ¦a §X ©d i ½¦ri ¦a §X ©d mF´I ©A ÆzrA §W¦I ©e ÎlÇoM ¦n K ¤x³¨a §i ©e :d «¨U¨r x¬¤W£` F gY §k`©l §n :g¥C ©w §i ©e i ½¦ri ¦a §X ©d mF´iÎz ¤` Æmi ¦Grl¡` F ½Y §k`©l §nÎlÇoM ¦n Æz ©a ¨W F ³a i´¦M F ®]r` :zF « U£r«©l mig¦Grl¡` `¬¨x ¨AÎx ¤W£`

EN ªk §i ©e Heaven and earth were finished and all their host. On the seventh day God finished the work that had been done, and ceased on the seventh day from all the work that had been done. God blessed the seventh day, and made it holy, because on it God ceased from all the work of creation that God had done. 1

EN ªk §i ©e Vay’chulu ha–shamayim v’ha–arets v’chol ts’va’am. Vay’chal elohim ba–yom ha–sh’vi’i m’lachto asher asah, vayishbot ba–yom ha–sh’vi’i mikkol m’lachto asher asah. Vay’varech elohim et yom ha–sh’vi’i vay’kaddesh oto, ki vo shavat mikkol m’lachto, asher bara elohim la’asot. KEx ¨A Blessed are You, our God , and God of our ancestors,

Epi«¥Grl¡` dedi d ¨Y ©` KEx¨A .Epi«¥]reO ¦` §e Epi«¥zFa£` i ¥Grl` ¥e m ¨d ¨x §a ©` i ¥Grl¡` .d ¨x ¨U i ¥Grl¡` w ¨g §v ¦i i ¥Grl¡` .d ¨w §a ¦x i ¥Grl¡` Drw£r©i i ¥Grl` ¥e l ¥g ¨x i ¥Grl¡` .d ¨`¥l i ¥Grl` ¥e .` ¨xFP ©d §e xFA ¦B ©d lFc¨B ©d l ¥` ¨d :u ¤x«¨` ¨e m ¦i«©n ¨W d¥pFw .oFi §l¤r l ¥`

God of Abraham God of Sarah, God of Isaac God of Rebecca, and God of Jacob, God of Rachel and God of Leah,

the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, God beyond, possessing heaven and earth.

KEx ¨A Baruch attah Adonai eloheinu veilohei avoteinu v’immoteinu. Elohei avraham, elohei sarah, elohei yitschak, elohei rivkah, veilohei ya’akov, elohei rachel veilohei le’ah. Ha’eil ha–gadol, ha–gibbor v’ha–nora, eil elyon, koneih shamayim va’arets.

Exceptionally on Shabbat a shortened version of the seven separate blessings may be read, birkat me–ein sheva. 1 Gen 2:1–3.

‘Repetition’ of the Amidah Traditionally the evening Amidah is recited silently by the congregation and not repeated aloud by the prayer leader.

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