Reform Judaism - Siddur

After study the following blessing may be said:

Epi«¥Grl¡` dedi `¨pÎa ¤x£r ©d §e .Epi «¦t §A L §z ¨xFz i ¥x §a ¦CÎz¤` .l ¥` ¨x §U ¦i zi ¥A L §O©r i ¦t §aE .Epi«¥` ¨v¡`¤v §e Ep §g«©p£` d¤i §d ¦p §e .l ¥` ¨x §U ¦i zi ¥A L §O©r i ¥` ¨v¡`¤v §e .L«¤n §W i¥r §cFi Ep«¨N ªM :D ¨n §W ¦l L §z ¨xFz i ¥c §nFl §e .dedi d ¨Y ©` KEx¨A :l ¥` ¨x §U ¦i FO©r §l d ¨xFY c ¥O©l §n ©d

`¨pÎa ¤x£r ©d §e Our Living God, make the words of Your Torah sweet in our mouths, and in the mouths of Your people, the family of Israel, then we and our descendants, and the descendants of Your people the family of Israel, shall all know Your name and study Your Torah for its own sake. Blessed are You God, You teach Torah to Your people Israel. 1

`¨pÎa ¤x£r ©d §e V’ha’arev na Adonai eloheinu et divrei torat’cha b’finu, uv’fi amm’cha beit yisra’el, v’nih’yeh anachnu v’tse’etsa’einu v’tse’etsa’ei amm’cha beit yisra’el, kullanu yod’ei sh’mecha, v’lom’dei torat’cha lishmah. Baruch attah Adonai, ha–m’lammeid torah l’ammo yisra’el.

study passage. The opening blessing reminds us of the duty to study each day. The closing blessing hopes that the Torah will be sweet in our mouths and in the mouths of those who come after us. Between these blessings the passage from Mishnah Peah 1:1 and Shabbat 127a, serves as an example of the Torah we are to study. In this slot we may introduce study material from anywhere within our tradition. 1 Attributed to Rabbi Yochanan bar Nappacha, third century. Berachot 11b.

d ¨xFz i ¥x §a ¦c §A wFq £r©l To devote ourselves to the study of Torah ...

The last section of the Morning Blessings brings together the individual strands of our personal existence, our membership of the Jewish people and our relationship to God. The seal of that relationship is the Torah that reveals the nature of God and provides guidance for our lives as individuals and within society. The section consists of an opening and a closing blessing with space between for a

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