Reform Judaism - Siddur

dxnfc iweqt VERSES OF SONG f 335

In this section we consider our personal and communal relationship with God. Between ‘Blessed be the One’and ‘Praised be Your name forever’ (page204) a selection may be taken from the ‘Verses of Song’ Some congegations stand during the recital of Baruch She’amar .

THE GIFT OF CREATION KEx ¨A Blessed be the One, at whose word the world exists. Blessed be the One, whose word is deed. Blessed be the One, whose command stands firm. Blessed be the One, who causes creation. Blessed be the One, who has mercy on the earth. Blessed be the One, who has mercy on creation. Blessed be the One, who gives a good reward to the faithful. Blessed be the One, who takes away darkness and brings on light. Blessed be the One, who exists before time itself and endures for eternity. Blessed be the One in whom there is no fault and no forgetfulness, who shows no favour and takes no bribe, whose ways are righteous and all of whose deeds are love.

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