Reform Judaism - Siddur

Anna b’cho’ach `¨P ¨` Release all captives, we beseech You, Almighty God whose power sets us free; and hear the glad acclaim of all Your people who praise and glorify You alone. Preserve the righteous ones who seek You, and proclaim Your unity in love; O guard and bless with Your abundant goodness Your people who revere Your name.

©g «rk §A `¨P ¨` ¨` `¨P §A ©g «rk §B L §pi ¦n §i z©N ªc :d ¨xEx §v xi ¦Y ©Y ©w l ¥A ¦x z©P ©r L §O ©U Ep«¥a §B ©h Ep «¥x£d p :` ¨xF L §cEg ¦i i ¥W §xFC xFA ¦b `¨p :m ¥x §n ÇoW z ©a ¨a §M m ¥n£g ©x m ¥x£d ©h m ¥k §x ¨A :m¥l §nÇoB ci ¦n ¨Y L §z ¨w §c ¦v L §aEh aFx §A WFc ¨w oi ¦q£g :L«¤z ¨c£r l ¥d©p L §O©r §l d ¤`¥B ci ¦g¨i :L«¤z ¨X ªc §w i ¥x §kFf d¥p §R

You God, who are alone exalted, turn to us and hear our prayers.

Ep«¥z ¨w£r ©v r ©n §WE l ¥A ©w Ep«¥z¨r §e ©W :zFn ªl£r ©Y ©r «¥cFi FzEk §l ©n cFa §M m ¥W KEx ¨A :c¤r ¨e m ¨lFr §l

We bless You – You who know all things hidden.

Your kingdom is for eternity.

Attributed to Nechunya ben Hakkana dpwd oa dipegp `¨P ¨` Anna b’cho’ach g’dullat y’min’cha, tattir ts’rurah. Kabbeil rinnat amm’cha, sagg’veinu tahareinu nora. Na gibbor dor’shei yichud’cha, k’vavat shomreim. Bar’cheim tahareim rachameim tsidkat’cha tamid gomleim,. Chasin kadosh b’rov tuv’cha, naheil adatecha. Yachid gei’eh l’amm’cha, p’nei zoch’rei k’dushatecha. Shav’ateinu kabbeil ush’ma tsa’akateinu, yodei’a ta’alumot. Baruch sheim k’vod malchuto l’olam va’ed.

‘Knower of secrets’). The first letters of the words of the second line spell k’ra satan , ‘may evil be cut off!’It is found in many locations within the daily liturgy, as well as on Rosh Hashanah and during the counting of the Omer. Scribes are enjoined to recite it with great kavannah , devotion and intention, before beginning to write texts of a Torah scroll or other religious document. It is also used as an evening prayer. It is meant to help remove all evil thoughts during prayer.

©g «ok §A `¨P ¨` Release all captives ... This kabbalistic prayer is attributed to the second–century Mishnah teacher Nechunya ben Hakkana, though it is probably of a much later date. Made up of seven lines, each with six words, the forty–two words represent the forty–two–letter secret name of God. It contains seven titles for God ( nora – ‘Awesome One’; gibbor – ‘Mighty One’; chasin – ‘Almighty’; kadosh – ‘Holy One’; yachid – ‘One and Only’; yodeya ta’alumot –

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