Reform Judaism - Siddur

zayl dgpn zltz Shabbat Afternoon Service

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As for me, let my prayer come before You at the proper time. Answer me God, in the greatness of Your love, for Your deliverance is sure. Psalm 69:14

The Minchah service on Shabbat reflects two major themes of the Shabbat : that of rest itself and the anticipation of a messianic time when there will be the universal peace and harmony symbolised by Shabbat rest. The introduction to the Torah service expresses the hope that our prayers ‘at the proper time’will help bring this period. The insertion in the Amidah prayer begins with the affirmation that ‘You are One and Your name is One’as if the time had already been reached that the prophet Zechariah spoke of, and which we recite daily at the end of the second paragraph of the Aleinu prayer: ‘On that day the Eternal shall be One, and known as One’ (Zech 14:9). The passage goes on to celebrate all the different dimensions associated with this rest: ‘rest given freely in love, true and faithful rest, peaceful, tranquil rest, quiet and secure, the perfect rest that You desire’.

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