Reform Judaism - Siddur

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Psalm 150 1 D¨iEl §l ©d Hallelujah – Praise God! 2 Give praise to God in God’s holy place,

praise in God’s mighty heavens, 3 praise for God’s powerful deeds,

praise for God’s surpassing greatness. 4 Give praise to God with the shofar blast; praise with the lyre and harp, 5 praise with drums and dancing, praise with the lute and pipe. 6 Give praise to God with the clash of cymbals, praise with the clanging cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise God. Hallelujah – Praise God! ALL CREATION PRAISES GOD K ¤x«¨a §i ©e Then David blessed the Almighty in the sight of all the congregation, and David said: ‘Blessed are You Almighty God, the God of our father Israel from everlasting to everlasting. Yours is the greatness, the power, the splendour, the glory and the majesty, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours. Yours alone is sovereignty and You are exalted supreme over all. Wealth and honour come from You, for You rule over all. In Your hand are strength and might. It is in Your power to give greatness and strength to all. And now, our God, we give You thanks and praise Your glorious name.’ 1 <<<

1 I Chron 29:10–13.

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