Reform Judaism - Siddur

m ¨lFr ¨A L §z ¨w §c ¦vÎh ©R §W ¦n d ¨ai «¦W ¨d KFl §nE .d ¨g¨p£` ©e oFb¨i Ep«¤O ¦n x ¥q ¨d §e c ¤q«¤g §A L §C ©a §l dedi d ¨Y ©` Epi«¥l ¨r KEx ¨A .h ¨R §W ¦O ©A Ep «¥w §C ©v §e .mi ¦n£g ©x §aE d ¨w ¨c §v a ¥dF` K¤l«¤n .dedi d ¨Y ©` .h ¨R §W ¦nE During the Ten Days of Penitence: h ¨R §W ¦O ©d K¤l«¤O ©d . ÎlÇok §e d ¨e §w ¦z i ¦d §Y l ©` zEpi ¦W §l ©O©l §e xi ¦a£r ©Y oFc¨f zEk §l ©nE .x ¥t ¨d d¨r §W ¦x ¨d .dedi d ¨Y ©` KEx ¨A .Epi«¥n¨i §a d ¨x ¥d §n ¦A :u ¤x«¨` ¨dÎo ¦n d¨r §W ¦x xi ¦a£r ©O ©d

d ¨ai «¦W ¨d Restore Your judgment of righteousness in. the world. Turn away from us sorrow and pain, rule over us with love and mercy, and judge us with righteousness. Blessed are You God, the Ruler who loves righteousness and truth. During the Ten Days of Penitence: the Sovereign of judgment. zEpi ¦W §l ©O©l §e And for slander let there be no hope, and may all evil come to nothing, and remove the reign of violence and terror speedily in our days. Blessed are You God, who makes evil pass away from the earth.

world, in the hope that this will help abolish one of the sources of sorrow and pain in the world. zEpi ¦W §l ©O©l §e And for slander ... This request for the punishment of ‘slanderers’ may have been composed during Roman rule, where it would refer to those who had denounced Jews to the Romans. However, another version of the same blessing begins with the word minim which seems to refer to sectarian groups. Rather than curse individuals we have followed a rabbinic example and changed the noun from a reference to particular people to the act of slander itself. The request for the removal of a violent regime could be appropriate for any period of human history.

physical or spiritual, will find restoration, and that this liberty will be made available for all peoples everywhere. h ©R §W ¦n d ¨ai «¦W ¨d Restore Your judgement ... The traditional version of this blessing asks for the restoration of ‘our judges as at the first’, and it seems to refer to that earlier period of Biblical history when Israel was ruled by judges before there was even a king. So it echoes the Biblical controversy over whether having a human king was right for the Israelite nation, since God was their true king. The blessing affirms that whatever the system of government, the existence of an independent judiciary is essential for maintaining the rule of law and for creating a just society. Our version speaks more generally about the need to establish justice throughout the

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