Reform Judaism - Siddur



For Erev Shabbat f 326 I

Our Creator, You have made us the masters of Your world, to tend it, to serve it, and to enjoy it. For six days we measure and we build, we count and carry the real and the imagined burdens of our task, the success we earn and the price we pay. On this, the Shabbat day, give us rest. For six days, if we are weary or bruised by the world, if we think ourselves giants or cause others pain, there is never a moment to pause, and know what we should really be. On this, the Shabbat day, give us time. For six days we are torn between our private greed and the urgent needs of others, between the foolish noises in our ears and the silent prayer of our soul. On this, the Shabbat day, give us understanding and peace. Help us, God, to carry these lessons, of rest and time, of understanding and peace, into the six days that lie ahead, to bless us in the working days of our lives. II Our God and God of our ancestors, we are all Israel; in Your service we have become old in experience and young in hope. We carry both in the deepest places of our hearts and minds. On this Shabbat day we turn to You with eyes newly open, with hope re–awakened, shrugging off the layers of worry and doubt that have closed about us. We are all Israel, created by Your promise, raised in Your blessing, fulfilled by Your task, refreshed by the Shabbat of Your love. We are all Israel, holy by Your word, wise through Your Torah, righteous through Your commands, renewed by the Shabbat of Your rest. On this Shabbat day keep us; on this Shabbat day remember us; as we keep and remember the Shabbat day, to make it holy.

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