Naperville Tour de Celebrate the Tour de FraNCe by partiCipatiNg iN our eighth aNNual family-FrieNdly JuNior Tour de Naperville. NeW loCatioN WolF’S CroSSiNg CommuNity parK 3252 WolF’S CroSSiNg rd. SaturdAY, auguSt 12 9:00-11:45 am
Ride bikes, tricycles or big wheels. Pedal power only; no motorized vehicles, please. The path is 1.246 miles. Parents may walk or ride along with their younger children; older children can challenge themselves by seeing how many times they can go around the path. Each registered child receives a yellow T-shirt and, of course, there are “SAG (support and gear) stops” for snacks and drinks. Participants are required to wear bike helmets. (fg)
CODE: 83191 | AGES 3-5 | 9:00 AM CODE: 83192 | AGES 6-8 | 10:00 AM CODE: 83193 | AGES 9-12 | 11:00 AM $18 R/$25 NR Wheels FREE EVENT
MON., SEPT. 18 AT 11:00 AM -1:00 PM Fort Hill Activity Center • 20 Fort Hill Drive • Naperville Preschoolers ages 1-5 will have an opportunity to see, touch and experience a variety of community vehicles including a police car, tractor and many more! Kids also will meet the community helpers who drive them.
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9 AUTUMN 2023
NAPERVILLE PARK DISTRICT Promoting healthy lives, minds and community
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