Yeargan & Kert - November 2019



When you’re an entrepreneur or a business leader, your to-do list can feel more like a novel than a manageable list. But what if you could order your thoughts, track your accomplishments, and maintain organization all on your own terms? It may sound too good to be true, but bullet journaling does just that. WHAT IS IT? Despite what the name may suggest, bullet journaling has little to do with writing out your feelings — unless you want to do that! Instead, it’s a log of all your to-do lists, reminders, and tracking systems in one convenient place. The goal is to complete tasks and update your journal each day. You can even download a companion app to digitally stay on top of your tracking. The beauty of bullet journaling is customization. If you’re a visual person, create drawings or tape down pictures to represent your tasks. If you prefer precise outlines, use ruled pages to order each goal and its subtasks. A bullet journal can include every aspect of your business down to the smallest logistical details, or it can break down a single, complicated aspect, such as vendor tracking, into one journal. The look and function of your bullet journal is completely up to you and your process.

HOW DO I DO IT? Despite the versatility, every bullet journal shares a couple key components. First, you need a legend or key to identify what symbols mean throughout your journal. For example, a square next to a task may indicate it is a high priority, or a star may mean a task has been completed. Any group of symbols will work, but consistency keeps you organized. Second, you need a calendar in your bullet journal. That way, you can organize your goals by year, month, week, or day and keep track of smaller goals along the way. Throughout your journal, create separate sections for as many breakdowns as you want, but the key is to keep it all connected. No longer do you need to carry around a to-do list, a planner, and a calendar. Turn to bullet journaling to revolutionize the way you organize. For more tips, inspiration, and information on how bullet journaling can help you and your business, visit

Moving Forward


CONSIDER EXPUNGEMENT Depending on the circumstances of your arrest, you may be eligible to get it expunged from your record. This is a great option as it can significantly improve your employment opportunities, personal relationships, and sense of self. Of course, getting your arrest off your record can be difficult, particularly in Georgia. Consulting an experienced Atlanta criminal defense lawyer can help you understand your options. FIND SUPPORT Handling the fallout of an arrest is difficult, but you don’t have to do it alone. Talking to supportive friends and family members about what you’re going through can be deeply therapeutic, helping them understand your challenges and giving you a chance to organize your thoughts. These loved ones can also help you seek employment and tackle the other practical elements of rebuilding your life.

with life challenges in unhealthy ways? Is substance abuse an issue? Asking yourself these sorts of questions can be incredibly difficult, but confronting them is the best way to make lasting positive change. If you need a hand, counselors can provide expert support along the way. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF Stress, shame, fear — these are all very common emotions to experience after an arrest. While time will heal these wounds, it doesn’t mean you have to simply live with them in the present. Exercise, meditation, and other self- care activities can help you relieve tension and feel accomplished. Giving yourself that confidence and mental boost is the best way to propel yourself through negative thoughts and put your energy in a positive direction.

It can be incredibly difficult to move forward after an arrest. Even if you weren’t convicted, the financial, emotional, and social costs for this single event can follow you for years — even decades. But you don’t have to be stuck in the shadow of this one event the rest of your life. There are steps you can take toward a brighter future. ASK HARD QUESTIONS After an arrest, you need to reflect on and confront the elements in your life that may have led you to face criminal charges. Were you hanging around the wrong crowd? Were you coping



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