Amenity Grass Seed Mixtures

Amenity Mix No 21 Golf & Bowling Greens This mix will tolerate very close mowing and produce the dense, prostrate growth habit necessary for a true running green. It is suitable for playing croquet and the finest ornamental lawns. This will need careful management to establish well and remain weed-free. Mowing height: 5-8mm Sowing rate: 1oz/sq. yd. (35g/m 2 )

The finest quality lawn - no ryegrass

90% Chewings Fescue 10% Brown Top Bent

Amenity Mix No 22 Cricket Squares & Tennis Courts Combining a fine fescue with top quality amenity ryegrasses. These varieties give a dense turf that is tolerant of close mowing. In recent years, even top tennis courts have moved to a ryegrass mix, away from the traditional fescues. Mowing height: 13-38mm Sowing rate: 0.75oz/sq. yd. (26g/ m 2 )

Good quality mix - with Sportsturf Ryegrass

50% Amenity Perennial Ryegrass 25% Slender Creeping Red Fescue

20% Chewings Fescue 5% Brown Top Bent

Amenity Mix No 23 Suburban & Fine Lawn A good quality mixture that is suitable for general use and medium to large ornamental lawns. It will withstand modest amounts of wear. Does not contain ryegrass Mowing height: 5-8mm Sowing rate: 1oz/sq. yd. (35g/m 2 )

The finest quality lawn - no ryegrass

55% Strong Creeping Red Fescue 40% Chewings Fescue 5% Brown Top Bent

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