Amenity Grass Seed Mixtures

Amenity Mix No 24 Urban & Shady Lawn A low maintenance mixture for small to medium sized gardens and for areas shaded by trees or buildings. This mix should not be closely or frequently mown. Areas that are under trees tend to be impoverished so ensure soil nutrients are available. If only partial shade, use Mix 23. Mowing height: 20-50mm Sowing rate: 1oz/sq. yd. (35g/m 2 )

For shaded areas - no ryegrass

30% Chewings Fescue 10% Slender Creeping Red Fescue 50% Strong Creeping Red Fescue 5% Brown Top Bent 5% Rough Stalked Meadow Grass

Amenity Mix No 25 Sports Pitches & Heavy Usage Lawn A hard-wearing and rapidly establishing mixture that is ideal for sports pitches, general playing areas and renovating moderate damage between playing seasons. It is also suitable for areas that will see heavy use such as

paths and car parking areas. Mowing height: 25-60mm Sowing rate 0.75-1oz/sq. yd. (26-35g/m 2 ) 75% Amenity Perennial Ryegrass 20% Strong Creeping Red Fescue 5% Brown Top Bent

Good quality hard wearing - with ryegrass

Amenity Mix No 26 Economy Lawn A very popular mix for standard lawn areas, that will establish rapidly. Giving a fast-growing lawn of good quality, at a modest price. This mix will withstand wear and poor conditions. Ideal for general purpose lawn areas. Mowing height: 25-50mm Sowing rate: 0.75-1oz/sq. yd. (26-35g/m 2 )

Good quality general purpose mix - with ryegrass

80% Amenity Perennial Ryegrass 20% Strong Creeping Red Fescue

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