Christ means to you. They will see the glory of the Lord in and through your life. Of course, maintain regu lar communion with God in prayer. This is your life-line of peace and joy in knowing the will of God. Q. Sunnyside, Wash. — “Do you have something to help us understand more about the Holy Spirit ? I belong to a denomination where I fe e l we are lacking in having the presence o f the Spirit." A. Keep in mind the function of the Holy Spirit in this particular dispen sation. Christ told us that it was expedient for us that He go away. In His place He sent the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit won’t speak of Himself but “He shall glorify Me [Christ].” So, the true Holy Ghost church is the one where the Lord Jesus Christ is glori fied, upheld, honored, and where His atoning work, the great truths of His deity, are emphasized, along with His coming again. This is the church being led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works on the hearts of individuals so they will come to ac cept the Lord Jesus Christ as Sav iour. There are a number of splendid books and pamphlets on the subject of the Holy Spirit available from your nearby Christian book store, or from the Biola Book Room, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. Q . Ventura, Calif. — “Is the Constitu tion o f the United States based on the Bible?” A. As one compares the Constitution with the Bible, we see the basic principles of the worth of the human life, the pursuit of happiness, the right of freedom of the conscience and other matters. The Constitution has its deep foundations in Scrip ture. Our representative form of government is according to the Bib lical pattern.
Q . Cheyenne, Wyo. — “My husband forbids me to give to the Lord. Should I take from the grocery money or not in order to give to the Lord’s work?” A. There is a great deal of heartache in connection with conditions like this in the home of one who dearly loves the Lord. Your first responsi bility is to take care of your own home. I f there is any indication of deceit and the husband detects it, it could keep him from the Lord. You must make full account of that which has been allotted to you in providing for the home. “I have heard someone say that the colored race descended from Ham. Do we have any specific information on this, and where did the various countries ori ginate?” A. There are many different shades of color in Africa alone. See Genesis 9:25-27 and 10:6 for the descendants of Ham. Some of them are Ethiopi ans to be sure. After all of the studies have been completed, men of Scripture as well as science have to admit that there is no definite answer to this question. Habitat may have something to do with it but it cannot explain it entirely. It is a very com plex question and has not really been answered satisfactorily by anyone, so we should leave it to God and seek to win all races to Christ. Q . Phoenix, Ariz. — “Can you give any references concerning Christ’s com ing other than His coming in the clouds ?’’ A. There are scores of them. The one about clouds is in I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Revelation 1:7. Other wonderful verses are John 14:1-6; 21:22; Acts 1:8-11 with an empha sis upon the 11th verse; the whole of the 24th and 25th chapters of Mat thew; I Corinthians 15; and Titus 18 Q . Arvada, Colo. —
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