2:13 are but a few of the wonderful verses to which we would point you. We find in the Scriptures, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” One out of every 25 verses in the New Testament con tains the information and joyous news of the Lord’s second coming. Q . Claremont, Calif ---- “Can you please reconcile fo r me Romans 10:9 and ‘Thou shaft be saved’ with scriptures like Matthew 10:22 where it speaks o f enduring ‘until the end and being saved,’? Does this mean that we can lose our salvation?” A. The passage in Romans gives us the manner in which one is saved which is on the basis of the death of our Lord Jesus. The passages in Matthew have nothing to do with the salvation of the soul or spiritual de liverance. Remember, there is also the aspect of physical deliverance. Salvation can mean a number of things and has at least three tenses. The passages are by no means con tradictory. The verses last referred to concern deliverance by the per sonal intervention of God in the per secution of His people. It does not mean that we can lose our salvation. Sin is a matter that deserves eter nal punishment, and if we are going to be saved at all, it has to be an eternal salvation. Q . Fresno, Calif. — “Is the Old Testa ment important fo r us to read today, or should we apply the New Testa ment specifically to our generation?" A. Most certainly the answer is “yes” to both of these questions. We must keep in mind the truth of dis- pensational teaching. All the Bible is for us, but not all of it is to us. As an example, the Lord made some statements to Adam and Eve which are not for us. He told them to eat of the fruit of every tree of the garden except of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He never
told us that. The same is true with Noah, Abraham and others. Yes, there are portions of Scripture given to other people at other times. All Scripture, however, is by inspiratioi and is profitable for us. We can and should apply the great sp iritu a l truths to our hearts and lives. We need both Old and New Testaments for God’s full revelation. Q . San Francisco, Calif. — “What does the word ‘rapture’ mean and where is it found in Scripture?’’ A. It does not occur in Scripture. It means caught away and describes the state of bliss we shall, experi ence in meeting the Lord in the air. It comes from the Latin. I Thessa- lonians 4:13-18 really gives us one of the most graphic pictures of this. We shall be “caught up” together with the dead in Christ to meet in the air and we shall ever be with the Lord. We do not believe there is anything whatsoever which needs to take place before the Lord returns. There are events which will doubt less shape up immediately after the Lord returns. Keep in mind the two phases of His coming. One is the rap ture and the other follows by some seven years after the period of Great Tribulation here on the earth. The first time the Lord comes “for” His saints and the second time “with” His saints. Q. Vallejo, Calif. — “How is it that our every deed is recorded in the Book o f L ife to be used on the judg ment day when the fa ct is given that we have had all o f our sins forgiven to be remembered no more?” A. No passage tells us that the Christian’s every deed is recorded in the Book of Life. There is no such thing as a universal judgment. Those who have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ will stand before the Great White Throne judgment of Almighty 19
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