you to an evangelical church. This was the finest heritage they could possibly have given you. A modern istic church doesn’t refer to one which has a modem carpet on the floor and all sorts of progressive architecture. It is one which in its doctrines has departed from the in fallible Word of God. As long as a church does not adhere to the living Word of the Living God, it cannot know the full blessing of Jesus Christ. It takes more than just mo tion to have progress. This is the trouble with a lot of modernistic churches. If the pastor denies the virgin birth, he is not speaking from the Bible for this was foretold way back in the third chapter of Genesis and Isaiah. Both Old and New Testa ments are built up on this fundamen tal doctrine. I f it were not so, then Christ would have inherited exactly the same sin nature as ours. He, too, would need a Saviour. God over shadowed Mary, however, and the awful vims of original sin, existent of course in this dear woman, was counteracted by the overpowering Spirit of God so that Jesus Christ was bom without taint of sin, holy, spotless, undefiled. As far as errors in the Bible are concerned there are none. In all of the archaeological re search that has gone on for the past several centuries, not one single item has been unearthed to contradict the veracity and trustworthiness of the Word of God. Q . Portland, Ore. — “In Matthew 10: 28 we read the words o f the Lord Jesus, ‘And fe a r not them which kill the body, but are not able to kid the soul: but rather fe a r him which is able to destroy both soul and body in heU.’ To whom does ‘him’ and ‘them’ re fe r in this passage?” A. “Them,” would be any individual or power which would seek to bring about your physical d estru c tion . “Him,” refers not to Satan, as some erroneously hold, but rather to the
Lord God. One further statement is the fact that the term “destroy” here does not refer to annihilation as some would try to tell us. Science reminds us that there is no such thing as the destruction of matter. Our physical substance may go into another form, but it never ceases to exist. The word means actually to be used no longer for the purpose for which it was intended. Destroying both soul and body is a picture of perdition and one who is absolutely destroyed spiritually. He no longer has the light of the presence of the glorious God, but is undergoing eternal pun ishment. * Remember, there is no way to kill time without injuring eternity. * * • * * By faith I looked for Him each day His coming found me, "in the way," Though absent from you, still I say, Don't look for me. His promise, long delayed, came true Remember when I talked with you? It seemed "an idle tale" to you. Don't look for me. The Lord Himself came for His own His own to Him are "fully known" He marks the seed that we have sown. Don't look for me. I looked for Him, I loved so well While I could still His story tell Of His great power to save from Hell. Don't look for me. Oh God, I only hope and pray, Your heart be touched before that day, But when He takes the saints away. Don't look for me! — Barbara Sanders AFTER THE RAPTURE M y home that lies beyond each star No sin nor tear can ever mar I saw its beauty from afar. Don't look for me.
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