Biola Broadcaster - 1967-11

SELECTING A MISSIONARY You’d be interested in how one can­ didate was selected as he was to ap ­ p ea r before the board o f the mission under which he desired to be sent to the field. I t was a cold wintry season when at 3:00 in the morning he received a call to come immediately to the home o f the group’s executive secretary fo r an examination on his fitness fo r the foreign field. H e got there a few min­ utes later and was shown into the study. He waited there fo r n early five hours, until a little a fte r eight, when the elderly m i s s i o n a r y statesman finally put in an appearance. Ju st a few questions were asked, w h ic h seem ed almost ridiculous. The first was, “I f you can spell, will you tell me how to spell ‘cat’?” The young man did, without hesitation. The next ques­ tion was w hether he knew anything about mathematics as he was asked the sum o f two plus two. While rath er puzzled, the dedicated youth unflinch­ ingly responded, “F ou r.” The elderly preach er explained with satisfaction, “I believe you’ve passed the test. I ’ll see the board later today, recommending you fo r the mission field.” As he spoke to his associates on the board, the executive secretary concluded, “T h e young man has all o f the qualifications a good missionary needs. F irst, I tested him on self-denial. H e was called at three in the morning and told to ap ­ p ea r imm ediately fo r the test, which he did promptly. H e had to leave a warm bed and come out in the cold, but never offered a word o f complaint. Next, I exam ined him on patience. He had to wait five hours ju st fo r the in­ terview. A fter that, I tested him on temper. H e fa iled to show any signs

o f this whatsoever. H e didn’t even question my delay. Finally, I tried his humility. I asked him questions any five-year-old child could answer. He showed no trace o f indignation. This young man, gentlemen, is the kind o f a missionary we n eed!” Even so, the apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy with a challenge to grip the hearts o f our students. We are instructed to en­ dure afflictions and to m ake fu ll p roof o f the ministry. * Doubt is believing what the devil says and trusting is believing what Christ says. * * * NOW IS THE TIME A m inister o f the Gospel in a bus'i, metropolitan a rea was greatly con­ cerned fo r the young people on the nearby state university campus. Typi­ cal o f youth today, they showed little, i f any, concern fo r spiritual conditiom and things o f eternal value. One young fellow , a medical student, was the school’s brightest star in the field o f athletics. Everyone liked him and wherever he went c r o w d s m il le d around him. The m inister especially was burdened fo r him, and longed to reach him fo r Christ. When he finally got to talk with him, the brilliant col­ legian laughed in scorn and cursed the servant o f God. H e couldn’t be both­ ered with such foolishness. Then, with­ out any warning, a fa ta l blood disease struck his life and he was told he didn’t have much longer to live. There, in the hospital, while the crowd soon forg ot him, the m inister continued to visit him faithfu lly. As the w eeks wore cm and the youth’s days shortened, he 22 * *

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