hearts o f men who wander aw ay from the L o rd l Don’t blame the young man when there may be neglect on your part, i f you in any way have turned aside from the exceeding g reat and g ra cious prom ises which God w aits to be stow upon all those who claim them by faith . “How shall we escape i f we ne glect so g reat a salvation?” * Consecration is not giving to God but rather taking your hands off of what be longs to Him already. * * * THE LONGEST DAY How would you like it i f there were more hours in the day? Well, we can all be than kfu l that the L ord hadn’t seen fit to honor such a request. Our bodies have been so regu lated that they require a certain amount o f sleep, as w ell as work. As fa r as daylight is concerned, this varies with the area. New York’8 longest day is about 15 hours, while Montreal, Canada’s is 16. London’8 runs 16%. In Hamburg, Ger many, it’8 17 hours, Stockholm , 18% hours and in certain pa/rta o f Russia it will go as high as 19 hours. At one distant point in Finland, however, there are as many as 22 hours o f sunlight. But still fa rth e r North, in Warzburg, Norway, days have been known to last fo r two to three and a h a lf months. These long periods o f sunlight are rela tively short and insignificant, when compared to that blessed day, when we en ter the presence o f the L ord fo r in heaven, “there shall be no night there.” * A poor listener seldom hears a good sermon. GOD ANSWERS PRAYER How thrilling is every account o f the way in which the L ord so miraculously answers p ray er! D. L. Moody had been conducting a special evangelistic cam paign and was in need o f $3,000.00 to m eet expenses. H e earnestly sought the L ord’s leading, adm itting, “F ath er, You know I have too many spiritually needy people to work with. I ju st don’t have time to g o out and raise money. This is Thy w ork and I ’m thanking Thee ju st now fo r the supply.” That evening * * * *
b am , but ra th er to the grass stubble which is left behind, or as Dr. De- H aan pictures it, the bruised and bleeding stump remaining in the earth. Jn this manner, the rain upon the field gives new strength and healing. The scythed plant will not die, but rath er bring fo rth another, even more tender, harvest. F arm ers tell us that second cuttings o f hay are usually the best. They are tender and sweet, containing a g rea t deal Of nourishment. My friend, it’8 blessed to realize that in our own difficult experiences o f life, God sends H is grace like rain upon the mown grass, healing over those areas that have been bruised by trial and testing. God’s Word tells us, “He giveth more grace.” * When you meet temptation turn to the right. * * * OVERLOOKED PROMISES How foolish many children have been to spurn the love and devotion o f godly Christian parents. A wayward son fle d from his home and took a freig h ter to a distant land. When his mother and f a t h e r finally learned where he was, they would write regu- la/rly, pleading w ith him to turn from his ungodliness and return home. He never bothered to answ er them. In fact, he got to the place where he didn’t even take the time to rea d the letters, stacking the envelopes away where he wouldn’t be rem inded o f his wayward ness. S everal y ears later, he contrasted a disease and had to be hospitalized. Now,, with time to think on his sinful life, he asked a frien d to bring him the letters from home. Reading through them, he finally got to the last one. His eyes were filled with tears and his h eart w ith remorse. The final letter told him that both his parents were dead, and that i f he would return home by a certain time, a vast in heritance would be his. The deadline, however, had been passed by several months. The fa th er’s last will and tes tament was as good as a government bond. It prom ised all, i f only the boy m et the conditions. Y et through disre spect and indifference, the foolish fe l low fo rfeited all, and could not claim his possessions. What a parable to the * *
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