Biola Broadcaster - 1967-11

have us plant peanuts! We n eed to learn that delays and disappointments are often like boll weavils o f divine providence so that we may be more productive fo r the L ord ’s honor and glory. God assuredly prom ises us in His Word, “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt g o ; I will guide thee vnth my eye.” * God said it, Jesus did it, I believe it, and that settles it. * * * DEFEAT OR VICTORY? One o f the saddest things o f life is to see Christians who are supposed to be victorious, descending to the low level o f spiritual d efea t as i f God had nothing better fo r them. In a fishing village located on the shore o f one o f the G reat L akes, there was a p air o f captive eagles. When only two w eeks old, they were taken into captivity and kep t in a large cage. When they were fu lly grown, their wing span m easured six feet. One day, when the owner had gone fishing, some mischievious boys opened the cage and let the birds go. Since they had been in captivity, how­ ever, they had never learned to fly al­ though the instinct fo r the sky was not fu lly crushed. F lailing w ith their urings, they floundered about in an effort to get off the ground. One rose high enough to get on a low branch o f a fo rest tree where it was soon shot by a hunter. The other headed toward the lake, where, unable to fly , it drowned. God had intended that these birds should enjoy their freedom in the sky. But from all o f this they had been hopelessly shut out. Think how much this is like so many o f G ods children! In stead o f enjoying the glo­ rious liberty the L ord intended fo r all o f us, repeatedly we are brought into the depths o f despondency and discour­ agement. Too often do we grovel in the dust and dirt, the muck and m ire o f this earth. We even lose the respect o f our unconverted neighbors and rela­ tives, fo r our Christianity seem s no different to them than their own prob­ lems. The B ible assuredly rem inds us, “They that wait ivpon the L ord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall * *

run and not be weary, they shall walk and not fain t.” * Perseverance is the ability to stick to something you're not stuck on! * * * WITNESSING I f they had a spiritual need, would your neighbors come to you fo r help? Two businessmen lived side by side. One was a professing Christian, the other an adm itted unbeliever. Working in the city, they rode the same train to town each morning. The w eeks went into months, and months passed into years. Their discussions centered on business, current events, sports, poli­ tics, social activities — you name it. Then one day the unbeliever became desperately ill. His w ife, who was b om again, urged him, “Won't you let me call a good Christian so that he can talk to you about your soul?” Discour­ aged, h er husband shook his head, “What good would it do? What have they to offer? L ook at our n eighbor; he’s supposed to be a good Christian yet we’ve ridden thousands Of miles together and he’s never once recom ­ mended his possession o f Christ to me. I f his Christianity isn’t worth talking about, it can’t be worth dying fo r.” What a terrible note o f condemnation fo r any Christian! L ook about you in your neighborhood. Realize that you’re the only Christian somebody knows. The B ible says, “L et the redeem ed o f the L ord say so.” S p eak out fo r the Lord and rem em ber silence isn’t a l­ ways golden. Sometimes it can be ju st plain yellow. * Remember that conscience is like a tun dial: when the truth of God shines on it, it always points the right way. * * * INEXHAUSTIBLE SUPPLY There is a huge crater in Trinidad emanating originally from a volcano now extinct. This abyss is completely filled with pitch. Through the years workmen have taken tons o f asphalt from this tar-like lake fo r paving roads around the world. It is interesting to note that no m atter how large a hole 27 * * * *

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